Diagon Alley

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When I opened my eyes I saw the snout of my dragon and felt a crushing weight on my body.

"Oh come on Nightmare, you're way too old to be doing this and too heavy," I tell her. She looks at me with a look of offense.

'Excuse me, but by dragon standards, I'm as light as a feather, and not very large either, thank you very much.' She finishes with a huff. 'Anyway, do you remember what today is?' She asks me with a questioning look.

"Uhhhhhhh...No. Am I supposed to?" I ask confused.

'Ugh. Today's the day we go to... DIAGON ALLEY!' She exclaims.

"What. That's today?" I ask. She nods her head.

'Yeah. Your aunt and uncle are already up.' She tells me. 'So you better get dressed and head down there.' She says in a motherly tone.

"Yeah, whatever MOM," I tell her, but before she can reply I had already put in my earbuds and started American Idiot by Green Day.

After a very delicious breakfast, I stood in the fireplace with Floo powder in hand. After the 'okay' from my Aunt, I shouted Diagon Alley and threw down the powder. After being engulfed in flames I arrived at the Leaky Cauldron.

Stepping out of the fireplace, I walked through the crowd of people, most either eyeballing me or my clothes. They were probably a lot different, coming from across the world.

After I exited the Leaky Cauldron I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I immediately got out my phone and earbuds and started to listen to Misery Business by Paramore.

"Alright so I need a wand, another pet, and I believe that the robes I ordered should be ready by now." You see the reason that I don't need the books is that since I'm a pure-blood I already have all of them, and I've memorized each of them. Let's get the robes first.

When I walked in, the older woman at the counter raised her head and smiled at me.

"Oh. Hello dear. Are you here for Hogwarts, or are you here to pick up an order?" She asked me.

"I'm here to pick up my Hogwarts robes that I ordered. They're under the name Dumbledore." I told her. Her eyes widened at the name.

"Let me go get them for you," she responded, quickly hurrying to the back of the shop, leaving me to stand and wait. After a few minutes, I started to get bored and curious. I heard what sounded like quiet arguing in the back where they took the measurements for the robes. The voices sounded young and male and I was about to walk through the door, itching to get a peek, when the woman came back holding my robes.

"Here you go, dear." She said.

"Thanks," I responded a little disappointed at not being able to see the others in the shop.

The next stop is Mr. Ollivander's wand shop. As soon as I walked in, I saw the thin boxes scattered everywhere. I knew they all contained wands but the sheer number of them was shocking. It was as if they had taken all of the books out of a library and replaced them with the boxes.

I walked up to the desk in the old dusty shop and rang the bell. Immediately, an old man with crazy grey hair popped up from behind the counter, I knew that it had to be Mr. Ollivander.

"Ahh, (Y/N) Dumbledore. It's good to see you." He told me. "It seems it was just yesterday that both your parents came in here and got their wands, they were both tricky customers but they finally found their perfect fit." He said a look of Deja vue on his features.

I perked up at the mention of my parents, wanting to ask about them, but stopped myself when I remembered why I came here.

"I assume you've come to find your wand as well?" He asked. I grinned placing my hands on the counter,

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