Sorting Ceremony

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While we were walking in my god-mother looked back and smiled at me. I, of course, smiled back before going over to my friends. For most of the speech, my grandfather made I spaced out until I heard my friend's names were called. They were all put in Gryffindor along with the girl that we met on the train, Hermione. The only other names I listened for were my own and Draco's. He was put in Slytherin before the hat even sat on his head, that's when my name was called.

"(Y/N) Dumbledore!"

I walked up to the stool with a strut in my step. I heard whispers but I mostly ignored them. I sat down and my godmother placed Sorty, as I like to call him, on my head.

'Hello, Sorty.' '

Hello, (Y/N). Now let me see. Your father was a Gryffindor who was brave, strong, and loyal. But he also had the qualities of a Hufflepuff, he was kind, generous, and sometimes shy. Or you could be in Slytherin, just like your mother. She also had the qualities of a Ravenclaw. She was clever, intelligent, and resourceful. Now where to put you, this is hard. Ah. I know the perfect house for you, but I'd love to see what the professors, especially your grandfather and godmother The hat said. It then winked, and shouted at the top of its lungs,


All the houses erupted in shouts, comments, and whispers.

"Now, now everyone." My grandfather said. "This house was a secret until now, made for people that the hat couldn't decide where they perfectly fit." He explained "She will have to pick a house to eat, sleep, and share a schedule with until we get a new tower furnished. So, which house would you like my granddaughter?" He asked with a smile.

"I would like Gryffindor," I said and with that, I went to sit with my new friends.

That night was great I had plenty to eat. I was bunked with one of my best friends, and my pets loved it here.

"Night roommates."

"Good night (Y/N)" I heard them respond. We all turned off our lights and settled in for a full night's sleep, after all, it was the first day of school tomorrow.

Meanwhile, many boys are tossing and turning in their beds trying to sleep, but the only thing they can think about is her.

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