who am i ?

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I walked through the door and grabbed a water out of the fridge before walking up the stairs. I walked in my room to find Aubrey nicely tucked in and sleeping in my bed.

Classic Aubrey.

I walked over to the bathroom and starred at myself in the mirror. Who am I? Why is my life like this? I am a slave, A slut, And a no good piece of shit.

I walked out of the bathroom and changed in to shorts and a shirt to go to bed. I walked over to the bed and pushed Aubrey over.

"What go a away." She mummbled in her sleep.

I got in my bed and fell asleep.

^buzz buzz^

My phone vibrated the whole nightstand. I picked it up and guess who it was?


"No I'm not fucking you in the middle of the night you saw me like three hours ago."

"Don't ever talk to me like that again." He said in a stern voice.

Douche bag.

"What do you want?" I said irritated.

"I need you to come to this formal thing as my date." He said.

"Why?" I said. He's never done anything like this before.

"My father needs to think I found someone." He said angry.

"Fine." I said then he hung up.



IM SO SORRY I HAVNT UPDATED IN A WHILE!!!!!!!!!! I've been super busy with school and there arn't that many people reading this story so ya.

And sorry the chapters SUPER Short. but there will be more in the next one:)


What's up???!!! ok cool well have a lovely day!

See ya!


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