Chapter 10

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Allison’s POV

Chapter 10

This chapter is dedicated to livingmyownlife for making me an awesome cover and when i find it ill post it! 

            I’d be lying if I told you that I was okay and that I didn’t think bout what happened to me every second of every day.  I’m not okay and Rus completely fills my thoughts.

            His face haunts me every time I close my eyes, I can’t escape him.  He lurks in my dreams making me dread sleep, so I don’t sleep until I can’t stay awake anymore.  I have no appetite to eat and I’m losing weight at an almost dangerous level.

            I’m laying in bed with David right now, I think he’s sleeping I’m not sure.    When i’m in his bed I lay on the opposite side of him as far away as I can.   I want to lay by him.  Feel his touch, feel those tingles through out my body, but what if he doesn’t want me?  I couldn’t handle his rejection so the only person I interact with is Emily and she has gotten distant.

            I haven’t slept in 2 days and I’m starting to fall into unconsciousness so I just close my eyes and stop fighting it, maybe I won’t have a nightmare. Pffft, whatever.


It’s happening all over again.  His hands on my body, invading me, taking the only thing I had left.  “No, please stop!!” I plead with him. “No, don’t do this!”

“Ally baby, wake up!” I heard a far away voice call and tingles through out my shoulders.  My eyes flew open with tears threatening to fall. 

“He-he, I can’t” I couldn’t even finish my sentence.  The need to be as close to him as possible came upon me so I flung my self into his lap hoping he wouldn’t push me away.

I cried on him like there was no tomorrow and he didn’t push me away.  Was I wrong this whole time? 

I finally made eye contact and saw that he was crying to, but why?  Before I could stop myself I reached out to him and wiped away his tears.  “Why are you crying?” I asked him.

“I’m crying because you’re in pain, and I can’t take it away, because it kills me to see you like this, because I should have never let you get hurt, because I love you so much and I can’t take seeing you like this.” He said.

 His eyes were glistening with tears and never once broke contact.  I felt like he was looking into my soul.  I was speechless and that’s when I knew.  That’s when I knew I loved him.

“I-I love you.” I told him truthfully.

“I love you so much baby.”

It became quite.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?” he broke the silence.

“I can try.”

“Start when you’re ready.”

I took a deep breath and began.  I told him everything trying not to skip a detail.  I tried not to cry but when I got to the part about the… rape I couldn’t hold it in. 

When I finished he pulled me into a tight embrace completely taking me by surprise.  Wait so he wasn’t disgusted by me?

“I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.” He vowed to me while laying us down.  He pulled the covers up and suggested that we get some sleep.  “I love you so much.” He said while kissing my forehead.

“I love you too.”

I turned on my side so I was facing him and he did the same while wrapping his arms around me holding me close.  Tonight I would sleep good for a change.


I awoke from a dreamless sleep, thankful to not having a nightmare.  David wasn’t in bed and it was fairly early, only 8:03 to be exact.  Even  though we talked about things last night I still felt the same.

Dull,  sad, empty, ect…

My thoughts drifted to school.  It’s been at least almost 2 weeks since I’ve been, I need to go back I don’t want to flunk out!

I decided to take a shower.  Goosebumps claimed my skin when I got out of bed.  David’s bathroom was so nice, granite counter tops and fancy lighting were only of the few nice things. 

His shower was my all time favorite thing about this house. It had glass walls, a little bench so you could sit down, and not one but two shower heads.  I turned the water to warm and got in.  I washed my hair and body and just sat there under the water.

Even though I know its not possible I stand under the water trying to wash away the dirty feeling that is stuck with me.  David deserves someone that is pure.

The thought of him with anyone else filled my heart with sadness and before I knew it I was crying.  I sank down into a sitting position and put my had in between my knees.

I was starting to get sharp pains in my uterus.  I bit my lip to keep from crying out  It took everything in me to stand up and turn off the shower. 

The pain was getting worse and worse.  I fell to the ground, it felt really.. wet between my legs. The pain stopped and I looked down, there was a mess of blood everywhere.  What’s going on?

I went into panic mode, I was still bleeding. “David!!!” I screamed as loud as I could.  After a couple seconds he came barging through the door.

A sob broke from my throat “Help me” I cried.  My head was starting to spin from the blood loss.

“Hang on baby, stay with me you can’t go to sleep.” He said with his voice filled with worry and pain. 

He picked me up and carried my naked body out of the bathroom.  I tried so hard to stay awake but I just couldn’t.  I closed my eyes and went into the darkness.


Alrightttt so it was a little intense but i had to move the plot along anyways over 1000 reads!!!! HOLY COW thats sooooooo cool!

Vote fan and comment it really does give me inspiration to write more and update sooner!!! I love you guys and thanks for reading!

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