Round One of Mistakes

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I pace around the floor upset and confused, "What do you mean you are pregnant Ayna?"

Ayna looks at me dumbfounded, "How else could I mean it other than what it is Flint?"

"Don't take this out on me, I used what I needed to in order to be safe and you said that you were on the pill so there is almost no way that this should happen."

"Whatever Flint." With a shrug she turns away from me, "It won't be a problem anyway."

"How isn't it a problem, it's a child, and last time I checked those change people and their lives forever. And we are barely passed being children ourselves Ayna. I can barely pass civics and you think I can be a decent father, or that you could be a good mom?"

"No I don't think either of us could be decent at much of anything, and that is why I'm going to get rid of it."

"Get rid of it? How long have you known you are pregnant?"

"Two weeks, it was just never a good time to tell you. Then I thought I wouldn't tell you at all and just get rid of it by myself but we both know how fast words get around this school..."

"We aren't getting rid of it."

"Not your choice Flint."

"Maybe it isn't, but in a way it is, I contributed to this and so I should have a say in if we keep the baby or not." Fear attacks my stomach is waves that only a punch to the gut and a swig of whiskey could cure, but I was raised as the fuck up child, and I wasn't going to add another thing for my parents to put on my list of failures.

"Then what do you propose that we do Flint."

"Keep the baby. You don't have to raise the child, I can do that, but we made this mistake and we are going to carry through with the right actions to make sure this child has a chance at life, because it isn't our say on how long It lives now."

"Alright fine, but it's your child Flint, not mine."

With a gruff nod I storm out of the house, not wanting to see Ayna ever again, but knowing that we would have to, more often than I would ever like, for this new addition to our lives.

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