★chapter 27 - the light

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Akara left the room, Natsuki and Yuri following close behind.

Inside the room, Umi's forehead still held the print of Akara's tinted lip gloss.

The gloss slowly seeped into Umi's skin, fading into nothing.

The words Akara had said echoed in her vacant eardrums.

And she opened her eyes.



Tears ran down Akara's cheeks as she realized who she had lost. She didn't understand, nor did she want to.

She missed the fragrance that she had loved so much, each time Umi wrapped her arms around her.

She missed the comforting voice of somebody who wouldn't use her or abuse her.

She felt Yuri place her hand on top of Akara's knee.

"Did you still want to go out and get some tea?"

Akara shook her head. "I just want to go home," she murmured.

Yuri nodded with tight lips.

"I'm sorry," Akara whispered.


"She's your sister. I should be the one comforting you," Akara said, warm tears running down her cheeks. Her mascara gently dyed the droplets.

Natsuki took her sleeve and wiped under Akara's eyes with the gentleness of a caring mother.

"I just hate losing her," Akara choked.

"So, do you two already know?"

The trio turned around to see a short plump woman-- a nurse, judging by her stethoscope and scrubs.

"Oh, there are three of you," the woman said, squinting.

"Know what?" Yuri asked.

"You know she's awake, right?" The nurse raised her eyebrow.

Akara ran into Umi's hospital room. Umi lay awake on the bed. "Umi!" she cried, running up to the blue haired girl.

"Akara," Umi whispered, her voice hoarse.

Tears formed in Akara's deep purple eyes.

"I love you too," Umi whispered into her partner's ear.

Immediately, the two were thrown into some kind of wave. Warmth crashed over both of them.

Light blinded their eyes, a warm, inviting glow. It wrapped around their figures and bound them together.

They were so close, Umi could smell Akara's vanilla scent. It swept up her nose and filled her senses. Akara could smell Umi's salty scent. It was salty, but it wasn't unpleasant. It was the smell of the waves on the beach during June.

All they could hear was each other's breathing. The soft silence. Umi's ears strained to hear over the silence. She was waiting for Akara to say something-- to break the silence.

Akara closed her eyes and embraced the warmth. She felt the light wind in her hair. She didn't know what was happening, but she could feel Umi's body pressed up against her own. Like a puzzle piece. They fit together. Perfectly.

As quickly as it began, it disappeared. They were back in the hospital room. The bright white lights.
The clinical smell.
Beeping noises emitting from machines.

Akara opened her eyes to see that Umi no longer had a bruise on her eye. It was on her jaw. Her fingers tentatively touched her own jaw, feeling nothing. She lightly touched her eye, a small burst of sensitivity erupting from the skin.

Akara wanted to ask her out right then and there.

Natsuki was right. Umi was her soulmate, and she wasn't planning to let her go now that she finally had her.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

It wasn't Akara who asked.

Umi held Akara's hands in her own. "You are the one who makes me happy. You are the one who gives me strength to laugh when I don't even feel like breathing. You calm my raging anxiety and bring a sense of peace within me."

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend," Akara breathed, pulling the girl closer. "You make me want to live when I want to die. You give me emotions that nobody else had even given me. When I thought I loved Nao, it was never the same as what you have given me."

Umi kissed Akara. It was a feverish kiss-- a kiss that took all fears away. In that moment, Akara knew that Umi was hers, and she was Umi's.



"You're her sister, though," Natsuki said.

"I know, but right now, I'm not what she needs. She needs Akara. I live with her, and I'll see her soon enough," Yuri said softly.

"Can we go to your house then?" Natsuki asked.

"Sure, I guess. I'll let Akara know."

Holding hands, they walked out of the hospital and into the car. "How will they get home?" Natsuki asked.

"Taxi? Subway?" Yuri suggested.

"Oh, okay. Carry on," Natsuki giggled.


Yuri ran her hands through the bright pink hair. They were laying on her bed, just cuddling.

Natsuki shifted to get more comfortable. She rested her hand on Yuri's right breast, thinking nothing of it. She didn't notice the scarlet blush sweeping over Yuri's face.

"N-Natsuki," Yuri whispered.


"Y-Your hand..."

"Oh, sorry," Natsuki said sheepishly. "Am I the only one horny here, though?"

"I-I..." Yuri blushed again. She felt Natsuki's soft lips on her own. She had no idea how this had happened. Yuri was now on top of Natsuki. Her hands trailed down the smaller girl's torso.

Before she knew it, she was unbuttoning Natsuki's shirt. Her cold hands glided over Natsuki's warm skin. She slipped her hand under the smaller girl's skirt.

Her fingers pressed against Natsuki's womanly parts. Yuri could feel the moisture from through the fabric. She rubbed vigorously.

She knew she should be taking it slow-- letting Natsuki enjoy her first time. She couldn't control her body. She could control her fingers. The adrenaline pumped through her veins.

She could hardly recognize her surroundings anymore. It was just her and Natsuki, alone, together.

She glanced up at Natsuki's face. The pink haired girl's eyes were shut tightly. Upon closer inspection, small droplets of water caught in her eyelashes.

She was crying.

Yuri had made the love of her life cry.

She pulled away. "I-I'm sorry," the taller girl stammered.

Natsuki opened her eyes. The cheery orbs, now empty and deflated. The spark was gone.

"Did I hurt you?" Yuri asked.

Natsuki said nothing.


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