epilogue ♡

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"Fucking finally!" Natsuki exclaimed.

"Happy Birthday, babe," Yuri chuckled, kiss her girlfriend's forehead.

Akara and Umi wrapped her in a hug. Umi kissed her right cheek, and Akara kissed her left cheek in unison.

"I can't wait to see you at the University!" Monika added.

"Yeah! What room did you get?" Sayori ask excitedly.

"I got the girls' dorm, first floor, room 183," Natsuki said, squinting at her paper. "I'm just glad I was able to get into the same university as you guys."

"First years only have to have one roommate. Second and third years have to have a three-person dorm," Umi complained. "Enjoy yours while you have it."

"At least you get to keep your first year roommate. You usually end up just getting one more girl," Akara added brightly.

"I was really lucky to get a dorm with my childhood friend," Monika giggled. "I'm not quite as embarrassed about living with her."

"Well, thanks, Monika," Yuri said.

"Yeah, and I got my two best friends!" Sayori said, pulling Umi and Akara into a group hug.

"I have no first year friends," Natsuki whined.

"You can make new friends," Yuri suggested.

"There are tons of nice people on campus," Akara said.

"I certainly hope so," Natsuki mumbled.

"Well, the new school year starts really soon, so you better enjoy life before you officially become a college student!" Sayori said.

"We also need to go shopping for room decor," Yuri added.

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Natsuki said.

"Oh, please. It's just a couple of curtains, a rug, a desk lamp, and a new set of bedsheets," Akara said. "It's not that expensive."

"Okay..." Natsuki surrendered.

"We better get started on decorating your dorm!" Umi squealed.



Inside Natsuki's room, there were two twin beds without sheets. The room was almost split in half, both sides mirroring each other.

It was a corner room. There was one window on the wall opposite to the door, and one to the left of the door on the wall right next to the other wall with a window.

There were two closets to the right of the door. Each closet faced their respective bed. A desk was provided on either side of the room. Each bed had one nightstand.

The group walked into the room to begin decorating. It looked like Natsuki's roommate hadn't arrived yet, so she chose the bed closer to the window.

Yuri and Natsuki spread the light pink sheets over the bed and placed one white pillow. She spread a hot pink comforter over the bed and added two purple accent pillows.

Umi hung translucent pink curtains on the window, adding a bit of color to the room. Akara set a black desklight on top of her own desk. She took a gold spray-painted mason jar filled with pencils and pens and set it on the desk as well.

Monika set a pink shag rug on the plain carpet. Sayori hung a few Parfait Girls'posters on the closet door.

"This looks amazing!" Natsuki exclaimed.

"It really does," Yuri added.

The door opened and in walked in a girl in all black except for a red jacket tied around her waist. Her black, wavy hair was dyed at the ends. "Yo," she said, nodding at the girls. "Which one of you is my roommate?"

Natsuki hesitantly raised her hand.

"Nice to meet you," the girl said. "My name's Hanami."

"Nice to meet you too," Natsuki responded. She watched as the girl spread black sheets over the bed. She had a dark red pillow and a deep purple comforter. "Do you need any help?"

"It's okay, but it would be nice," Hanami responded.

Akara walked over to that side of the room and opened up one of the cardboard boxes. Pulling out a black shag rug, she laid it over the carpet. She also pulled out black translucent curtains and hung them on Hanami's window.

Umi quickly followed her girlfriend's example. "Where do you want these posters?" she asked.

"Oh, just anywhere," Hanami said. The posters were scriptures from the Bible. All of them were quite motivational. A few of them were volleyball-themed posters.

Everyone began to help Hanami. All of her things were either red, black, or purple.

"Thank you," Hanami said to all the girls.

"Oh, no problem. Wanna go out to eat dinner with us as a celebration of the last day of summer?"

"Sure," Hanami agreed.



With all the girls laughing and talking, Natsuki knew college would be both a challenge and a blessing.

She finally could feel as though her papa couldn't get her, as the university was extremely secure.

Taking in a deep breath, she decided that she was strong, and she could get through her life— as long as Yuri was in it.

Smiling, she joined the conversation.

And all was well.


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