★ chapter 1 - the great fall

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"I-I swear, I don't do that stuff," Natsuki said, still in shock.

"Don't lie to me, Nat. I'm scared for you. I want to call the police on him! How can you tolerate this?" Sayori said, finally fed up knowing about the abuse, yet unable to do anything about it.

"Please don't. He'd kill me if he found out," Natsuki begged.

"Then don't let him find out," Sayori said simply.

"Sayori, he works for the police!" Natsuki said, making grabby hands at Sayori's phone. "Don't call!"

Sayori held the phone above her head, making it hard for Natsuki to grab it. "Sayori, please," Natsuki said, giving up and returning to standing flat. "Please just let me handle it myself."

Natsuki looked down and mumbled to herself. "I should never have told you."

I'm a horrible friend for bringing my problems onto her. She probably just thinks I'm selfish and weak.

Sayori stared for a while before sighing. "Okay, fine. But don't cut yourself anymore."

Natsuki stomped her foot. "I didn't cut myself!"

"You can't lie about something like this. There's obviously marks on your arm." Sayori thought for a second. She smiled and said, "I've decided that you're joining my club whether you like it or not."

"What? Why? What does this have to do with anything?" Natsuki whined. I wanted to go to the cooking club. I can bake and eat all I want, and I wouldn't have to hide it from Papa.

Sayori's face softened. "I want to keep an eye on you."

Natsuki's eyes burned with tears. Was this was being cared about felt like? Was she weak for liking it?

*Yeah, Natsuki. You're weak.*

No, I'm not.

*You're just like Papa.*

Natsuki shut her eyes tightly and fell to the floor. "No, I'm not," she whimpered.

Sayori bent down and wrapped her friend in a hug, not daring to ask about what Natsuki mumbled about. "I won't tell anyone about your dad. Just try to be safe."

"I already do, Sayori," Natsuki said, still shaken up from the voices inside her head.

The PA system echoed through the halls. "All first years, please make your way to the assembly room. The welcoming is about to start. If you aren't a first year, but you would like to welcome a friend or family member, please let your teacher know, so you can skip class. You must have a name to welcome. After the assembly, everyone must change into their uniforms and attend class. Mixed classes are in the afternoon. If you'd like more information, please consult the people at the office. Thank you and have a good day."

Natsuki and Sayori began to make their way toward the assembly room.

"Sayo?" Natsuki said, poking her friend's cheek.

"Yeah?" Sayori asked.

"What are mixed classes?" The pink haired girl asked.

"It means you'll have classmates that aren't in your grade."

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