★chapter 20 - she's abusive

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Akara looked down, fiddling with her fingers. Umi wasn't right, was she? "W-We should head back," she suggested quietly.

Umi pursed her lips and nodded.

There was slight tension between the two as they walked, their hands tightly holding each other.

Something feels off. Akara thought. I have a girlfriend, and I'm sure that Umi likes Natsuki. I can always see her blushing around her.

As they reached the house, Akara pulled Umi into a tight hug, resting her head in the crook of the taller girl's neck. "Goodnight, Umi."

"Goodnight, Akara," Uni whispered back.

With that, they each retired to their own rooms.



"So," Nao said as Akara entered the room. "Did you guys make out?"

Nao was just so inconsiderate that she never noticed Akara's depression.

Nao wrapped her girlfriend into a hug, kissing her temple. Akara looked at her with glassy eyes. She was tired of this. She just wished Nao would have more faith that she wouldn't cheat. She lightly pushed her away and walked to the bathroom. Her slippers were lightly shuffling against the tile floor. The white noise of the air conditioning filled her mind.

She stared at herself in the mirror. Tears were dripping down her cheeks, and pink surrounded her sad eyes.

She just had to think. There was no way her sweet girlfriend would ever do something like that to her, was there? They'd always had memories together, and it seemed too good to throw away.

Why was money so important? As long as you had enough to live, would anybody be satisfied?

No. Nobody is ever satisfied. All anybody could ever want is status. Was kindness not a trend anymore?

Akara rubbed her throbbing temples. It was ought to happen. She was human, not an object. Why couldn't anybody look past her wallet? The minute somebody found out she was high class, they'd be on her like a bear during honey season.

She just wanted it all to end. She was supposed to inherit the school, the company, the estates. Everything. But she wanted more than what money could buy. She wanted what everybody else seemed to have.

She trudged from the bathroom to her bedroom. The walls were white. Paintings of flowers hung on the walls. She had a liking to red roses with lavender vases.

The bed was a king sized canopy bed with red silk pillows and a white comforter. Curtains hung from the canopy, creating a calm and fancy look.

She slipped from her leggings and ducked out of her scarf and shirt. She felt arms envelope around her body. Hot breath trailed down her neck. She began to pant ever so slightly.

She felt herself being pulled under the covers of their bed. She closed her eyes, snuggling into her girlfriend. Slumber swept over her, her last thoughts subsiding from her mind, allowing peaceful sleep to overtake her.

She'd never do that to me.

But she would.

She wouldn't.

She does.


She turned to see Nao asleep. She pried herself away from her girlfriend and got up.

She does.



"She what?" Yuri gasped over the phone.

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