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"Cmon! It'll be fun Goomba!"
"Umm o-okay"
Goomba was scared. This was a place he never knew before. He was used to the comfy platforms of the Mushroom Kingdom. Hyrule was nice as well, but he had ran into monsters before, and him being only 9, wasn't old enough to purchase a weapon. He wouldn't be able to carry it anywhere anyways. He wore a Blue ascot wrapped to the front of his neck, making sort of a small pocket for stuff, and his brown shoes. Enston, who was 11 and a Hylian child though, could purchase a travelers sword, so if we went anywhere, he would lead. He was if not a little scrawny, and wore a Green shirt with light leather armor.
This forest seemed dark and ominous. Enston wanted him to go with him however, to look for Heartly Truffles.

"What is this?"
"Goomba! You found them!!"
"I did?"
Goomba hadn't known how long it had been since they started looking for the truffles, but he had found two.
"One for each of us!" Enston exclaimed
He gave one to Goomba and grabbed one himself
"Make sure to bite hard. It's really sweet!"
Goomba sat down. Because he had no arms, or a nose, he had to go off the trust of others.
He bit into the Truffle and immediately tried to eat the whole thing at once.
It was sweet. It was juicy. It was delicious. When you bit into the fruit, the juice would shoot in your mouth, acting as missiles, because where ever they would land, they would explode and fill your mouth with flavor.
"Hahaha! Slow down buddy! You'll choke!" Enston jokingly said

After a couple minutes they had finished the Truffles and prepared to leave when suddenly,
"What is it Enston?" Goomba whispered
"I heard something" Enston replied quietly
Goomba silenced himself, hoping to hear the "thing" as well.

Help me
Save me

"It sounds like someone needs help!" Goomba said in his casual voice
"Let's look for them!" Enston replied, also in his casual voice
Enston went to search nearby bushes while Goomba went in another direction. Enston was scared if he was gonna be honest with himself, but he couldn't get scared! After all, he had a Travelers Sword, he'll be a hero!
"E-e-Enston? Come here!" Goomba said in a concerning voice. I
Enston made his way to Goomba, seeing him stare at something. He looked in his direction, and saw it.

A giant Skeleton. It had a huge jaw, and 4 arms, which were slightly hidden underneath its slightly ripped, dirty robe. It had crows feet, and it was in sitting down position looking forward.

"Is it a monster?" Goomba quietly said, hoping that if it was it couldn't hear him.
Enston acknowledged Goomba's comment, grabbing a nearby rock and threw it at the skeleton.
Nothing happened.
Goomba and Enston sighed, walking over to the skeleton for further inspection.
It seemed dusty, like it had been centuries since, whatever this was, died.
Enston tried deciphering what creature it was, but it wasn't anything he's seen, or heard about in Hyrule.
Just then, Enston caught a glimpse of something in the eye of the skeleton, getting closer to see what it was.
It was a green gem.
"Goomba! I think there's I found an emerald!"
"An emerald?"
"Yeah! These things go over 20000 rupees!"
Goomba was excited. He didn't know what 20000 rupees would get him, but he was excited.
After taking the gem out of the eye, Enston prepared to walk back to Goomba, when he found out that the gem was attached to a string around the skeletons neck.
"Jeez. I wonder why this thing would have it like-"

Goomba screamed in terror.
A knife had came out of the earth, and pierced through Enston's chest. The Skeleton turned its head slightly and met Enston face to face.
The skeleton had spoke. It's voice was deep, and clicked every other letter it spoke.
The Knife was then pulled out of Enston's chest, letting his body fall to the ground, and leaving a ghost thing that looks like him still standing up.

Goomba was terrified, and he tried to run away, but the Skeleton was fast on him, and threw the Scythe at him, slicing Goomba's back, and freeing his ghost.

"Did you hear that?"
"Yeah it came from this way!"
The Skeleton threw away the kids bodies. For the first time in a while, it had a smile on its face.

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