Comfort (New)

261 19 1

I was giving y'all some time to catch up, and I got into some shit 😂. If you still fuckin' w/ me, I appreciate you



Long story short, Diji cried all night.

Sayvior was cranky and upset.

I was just barely holding it together myself.

Dash was laying on his play mat like everything was cool.

"I can get you a hotel room to go sleep in" I offered.

She shook her head no and continued to lay there.

Big, puffy bags rested right at her waterline.

His tears made her cry too.

That had been our worst night so far.

Sayvior got up, and the smell of shit hit me two seconds later.

She got his changing mat and slid it beneath him before turning him over onto his back.

His legs jerked and he watched Sayvior change him.

She had to do it fast before he peed.

She went down the hall with the trash and went into the bathroom to go wash her hands.

She then brought Diji onto the bed and climbed in.

He looked at me and I pulled him up onto my chest. "Wassup?"

"I'm going to see if I can sleep really quick" She mumbled.

"Aight, baby. Let me know if you want something"

She buried her face in one of Dash's blankets and fell asleep almost immediately.

Dash yawned in my face, and I moved him onto his back.

He ate ten minutes ago.

"It's your time too" I told him. "You got me beat, and you can't watch yourself"

I put his pacifier in and he accepted it.

"Close em"

He kicked his feet at smiled at me.

I smiled back.

His eyes went to the right to look at Sayvior.

"She's asleep like we bout to be"


"Ah!" He started gurgling and whining while looking around.


I knew that he wanted Sayvior.

I wanted her too.

He started to cry in my face and let about five tablespoons of drool slip right past his gums.

"I see that you emotional" I kissed his cheek.

"This boy on a yacht at three weeks" Ant said.

"He living life to the fullest" Nast responded. "I ain't mad at him"

Sayvior walked up to our level, talking to Enzo.

He was still telling her bits and pieces about her past.

Sayvior told me that there was some kind of issue between him and Kai, but she didn't know what.

"Thanks!" Sayvior said, throwing back something in a glass.

Dash did a mean ass lean in her direction.

"You drinking?" I asked cautiously, sitting Dash up against his will.

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