3. (We dont mind) Lance x Keith x Reader💕

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Request: HTTP-twitchybixch  
Love ya liv hope you enjoy even though I think I did bad
Third POV
Today was gonna be the same routine as always so Y/n thought. At the moment Y/n was eating breakfast sitting next to Keith and lance as always they were arguing. Probably about something stupid Y/n wasn't even paying attention to figure out what they were talking about.

Shiro than walked in and tried to calm Keith and lance down "Guys stop arguing please it's to early for this" Keith and Lance just glared at each other and replied with a "he started it" saying it at the same time. Shiro groaned and asked another question "what were you two arguing about anyway" they both turned red looked at Y/n and yelled "NOTHING".

Y/n had enough of being in the middle of them two bickering so they got up and left to there room. (I'm putting them/they prefixes so anyone can read )

Keith/Lance POV
"Look what you did Keith you scared them away" Keith just looked at him with his bitch face "if anything you scared them away with your ugly face"!! Lance gasped "take that back" Keith smirked "Nah I don't really feel like it I'm just gonna go find Y/n" he started to walk away slightly swaying his hips trying to piss lance off. And it was working "NOT UNLESS I GET TO THEM FIRST" he then bashed of ahead of Keith to go look for Y/n.

Y/n POV (sorry about the POV changes)
After breakfast I went straight to my room to change since I'm not a paladin I don't really feel useful on the team if I'm not doing something to help. So I train and when we ever go on missions to galra ships I go and help fight.

When I was done changing I went straight to the training room. I also had my own sword given to me from allura.
I got ready and said "Training level sequence 1" once the Bot fell down I sparred with it in the end slashing it across its chest destroying it.

I was about to start up level sequence two but I heard clapping coming from the entrance of the entrance door to the training room. I turned toward the sound and saw Keith and Lance. Every time I think about them both I blush a little when I'm around them I try to ignore them so I don't get red. "See Lance told you we would find her here"

Keith gave him a smirk "shut up Keith" they were about to start arguing till I gave a small cough "did you need me for something" they looked at me and nodded "we both need to tell you something" Lance said with a blush. "What is it I ask" Keith blushes as well "Will you go out with us" my face turns a deep red.

" Guys I love you both so please don't make me choose who to be with because I can't pick" tears started to prick your eyes Lance quick came to my side and started to rub my back "no no no we agreed to share you if your ok with that" I big smile comes to my face "Yes of course" Keith comes up to me to and kisses my cheek "Yeah we don't mind" Then they both took turns kissing my lips."                                        "in the end it all turned out great."
Sorry it's not that great I'm really tired and it's late thanks for the request love ya liv ~Grace-Chan

Word count: 608

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