Chapter 6: Sleepover |Multipul POV's|

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/Floweys POV\

Chara had brought lots of blankets and pillows, setting it all up and cuddling close to Frisk for...warmth. Sure. That was it.

'Shes always better friends with someone else than us, isn't she? Even when you aren't you.' I felt Asriel think bitterly. I shoved the thought away, focussing on my gummy bears. I wonder how she got these...

"Flowey, I didn't know you liked gummies," Frisk commented

"He lives for gummies. But only gummy bears. He doesn't eat anything else." Chara said

I didn't remember mentioning only likening gummy bears to her, not while being, But I was probably forgetting it, she could remember the Timelines better than I did.

It was funny, the only thing me and Asriel agreed on was that gummy bears were the only good candy in existence.

I wonder if she even missed Asriel, we were so horrible- no. Shes kept that locket on and even sleeps in it. She misses him with all her soul, I know it!

*Frisk POV*

I happily held Chara closer than I probably should have for us to have 'just met' but who cares? I've wanted to be able to hold her outside of the void for so long, I wasn't passing this up.

Flowey fell asleep early on, tired from all the Friendliness Pelletts he had to use to heal me throughout my panic when Chara wasn't there with me when I awoke.

"Hey, Chara," I whispered so only she heard.

"Yes, Frisk?" She whispered back in that sweet melodic voice of hers...gods, it was 10x as enchanting out of that gods-forsaken void.

The menu popped up and I heard Chara whisper "I'm bracing for the Flirt..."

"Nope. It's a physical Action this time~"

"Wha-" I cut her off by brushing my lips against hers.

I wasn't surprised when she squeezed before her face decided to melt in embarrassment as she hid under the blankets.

"Awe, Chara, come baaaack." I said with a smile, pulling her back into my lap as she hid herself from me in the fluff.

"Nope. I'm nope-ing right on out. Sleeping outside. Nopenopenopenopenope." She squeezed out, as she tried to stand up pulled her right back into my lap.

"You promised a sleepoveeeerrrr" I fake whined

'Oh dear gods, Chara, please stop being so damn cute...'

But she didn't, of course. She put a small hand-knitted blanket over Flowey before laying down herself "Then sleep."

"I'll sleep with you~" I Flirted with a smirk.

"Keep it up you're sleeping alone."


So, finally, she agreed to light cuddling and we slept as it was far too cold for us three not to stay close to each other.

I was just happy I finally got to go to sleep while she laid in my arms.

Hey! So, two questions:

Should I make Chara and Frisk be able to change from female to male bodies at will, or keep them their assigned physical genders?

How do you pronounce 'Chara'? I pronounce it like CHARActer.

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