Chapter 3: Grounded (Chara POV)

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It had been years. 13 years, to be exact. I hadn't aged a day. Apparently, the whole underground was put under a spell that kept them from aging right after Mom left Dad. Orders from Dad, of course. According to Sans, Frisk falls today. I was told to stay in the house, so, naturally, I snuck out. 

After 13 years of running from royal guard, befriending everyone in Snowdin and trusting them to know who I was, and six humans who tore my soul to pieces when I was forced to watch them die, I was so ready to get to the child who will free us all.

I couldn't really remember what they looked like. It's been 13 years real time, but that doesn't include all the resets Flowey did. All I remembered was blue. Beautiful, stop-you-dead-in-your-tracks blue. I couldn't wait!

I had been so lost in my thoughts, I had run into someone.

"Gah-! Oh, um, sorry..." I said, reaching out my hand to help them up. Then it registered whos face I was looking at, and the thing that stood out most was their stop-you-dead-in-your-tracks blue eyes

Frisk smiled up at me "It's ok! I'm Frisk, who're you?"

"I'm Chara," I said, wondering why they were acting like we hadn't met. Then I remembered that they had Flowey with them, "Well, since you're new here let me show you around. Welcome to Snowdin forest. Just up ahead is Snowdin Town, where I live. Come on, follow me."

We started walking toward the bridge. I was wondering what Sans would do now that I ruined his precious script. Improvise, probably.

*queue flashback*

"Stay here, and stay hidden. We don't need that kid to know you're alive." Sans said, pulling on his coat to go to his sentry station.

"What!?! Stay here!? No way! I'm not gonna stay in this place and wait till they leave!" I yelled, turning off the tv.

"Yes, you are. What do you think they'll do when they see you alive? What if it's a Genocide run? Hell, Flowey will see you with his soul and try to steal it from ya! I didn't waste 13 years protecting your ass just for you to go and get yourself killed!" He said, pissed off.

"Have you ever met Flowey? He's the nicest monster ever. And Frisk won't do a genocide route."

"Oh, I've met Asriel and Frisk enough times to know that they just might. Just stay here. At least wait for them to get to Waterfall. See ya later brat." He said as he teleported out, not letting me even talk.

"Grrr-DANM YOU COMEDIAN!!!" I yelled, hoping he could hear me. He probably didn't.

I plopped on the couch, a bit defeated. I didn't want to stay here all the time. The house is boring!!!

Ugh...time for a plan

*end flashback*

We walked and talked, and found Sans right before the bridge

"I thought I told you to wait." He said, overly pissed off for the tiny thing I had done

"Got bored." I said with a shrug. Frisk looked between us, worried.

This was going to be a fun time line.

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