Chapter 1

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Another boring day... Yay. I looked out the window of my house and see that it's still raining. Why does today have to be so gloomy? "Mom I'm gonna go take a walk real quick! " I shouted as I grabbed my raincoat. "Ok, but try not to get sick out there please! " mom said from the kitchen.
I opened the door and stepped outside. The cool air is rather refreshing, compared to be cooped up in the house for a week due to the depressing weather. As I closed the door I started to walk towards the woods that are around my house. Hardly anybody except small children were outside, it reminded me of how I was when I was small. I didn't realize that I got to my destination more quickly than I thought. I looked around before I took another step, cause a lot of people in the neighborhood say that bad things happen to people when they head out into the woods. Half of me believes them and the other half doesn't, so I took my chances and started to walk into the woods. Hoping that taking a walk in the woods would get my mind off of lives problems.
I've walked for about a few minutes before I had to take a break. Once I was sitting down for atleast about 10 seconds, something in the distance caught my eye. Smoke? I stood up and looked the way I came and saw where I broke a few limbs so I know how to get back. I grabbed a stick and drove it into the ground so I'll know if I came through here or not. I turned towards the direction the smoke was in and I started that direction. (play music here)
It didn't take long to get there, only about 15 minutes or so if your walking. It was so smokey but I'm glad that when I got there the wind picked up and moved the smoke away, just enough to see that everything looked burnt. Looked around in order to see a lump underneath some dead brush off to the right. I carefully walked over to see what it was. Trying to stay quiet didn't last long because I accidentally stepped on a twig. Whatever is underneath the brush, it turned its head towards me. It has the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. Just looking at the creature froze me in my spot. The creature started to move its body and dragged itself out from underneath the bush. I was now, definitely frozen in my spot. This creature looked like a bird like dinosaur, it had red scales and skin. It had three black horns on its head, and huge wings. Rodan?... No it can't be. Rodan is much taller than this. He tall enough that he could knock over a building with the air of his wings. While I was thinking to my self I didn't know that the rodan like creature dragged itself closer to me until it was like a few feet away.

(??? ) POV:

I hope that this female human will help me. My wing hurts like hell when I have to move, but it seemed that the human is either shocked or dumbfounded to say the least. I was atleast 4 or 5 feet away from the human, she seemed to snap out of whatever she was in and sat down on her knees. This human was rather... curious of me. It didn't take her long to look over at my wing which was tore up thanks to some other humans. I usually don't like humans being near me, but this one was different. But I do hope she'll help me and not ditch me here and left to die.

(( hello all you rodan lovers!! I hope this is what you were hoping for. I have never done a story about rodan before. But I hope you all like it. ))

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