Chapter 6

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Rodan POV:
I wake up to sunlight hitting me in the face, which is a bummer. All I want to do is sleep alittle bit longer with the human.............Wait. Where's the human?! I opened my eyes and quickly looked in the spot where I had her last night and she wasn't there. I went to stand up and felt pain in my leg which hurt and caused me to fall back onto the human's bed. It's very comfortable, but the human was missing and I don't like it one bit. I'm determined to find the human, so I got off the bed and stood up. Of course I'm a bit wobbly, almost everyone is when there leg is hurt.
I managed to walk through the doorway and halfway down the hallway before hearing another human's voice. It's was filled with anger and a smaller voice with fear showing it. "Why did you bring that monster here to the house. The thing can kill you!"
"I-I'm sorry mom. It j-just looked s-s-so helpless and I couldn't help but help it.."
2nd POV:
Rodan heard that the small voice was yours and you were scared. This made rodan's blood boil as the air around began to heat up slightly. Why would a mother of all creatures, yell at their babies, rodan thought to himself as he got closer to the kitchen; where the argument was currently at. "Y/n! I want you to get that Beast out of this house now!" Your mom yelled with mixed emotions at the moment. You didn't answer, but you shook your head which your mom thought you were saying a silent no. Right when Rodan pokes his head into the kitchen saw your mom raising her hand. Rodan was already in a state of panic and this was making it worse. But Rodan started to move faster to you. He used his wings to get you behind quickly and roared at your mom threateningly. You were dazed by what is happening. First you were in here listening to your mother yelled at you; then rodan was infront of you, protecting you from your mother and her rage. Your mom screamed while falling to the floor trying to back away from the protective titan who was not happy. Rodan glares at your mom almost like saying 'you stay away from her! Or I'll light you up in flames!' You never seen, nor thought that Rodan would protect you. You finally came to your senses when rodan was getting dangerously close to turn your mom into a human shishcabob.
You got up and got in front of Rodan and put your hands on his beak, stopping him in his tracks. " Rodan! No! No! Don't kill her big guy, please." You said as you looked at him directly in the eyes. Rodan looks like he's frozen. He seemed to be day dreaming as he stared back at you. The the next action he did was raise his head and placed it on your shoulder and making a sound like he was submitting to cease his threatening action to your mother, or submitting to an alpha or a mate. To you it sounded like he was saying that he would stop his ruthless action, which made you smile. The truth behind the noise he made was that he imprinted on you. "Thank you for stopping to kill or hurt my mother Rodan." You said smiling as you wrap your arms around the titan's neck; giving him a hug. "Your welcome y/n." A voice said as you froze, realizing who talked. You pulled away from rodan and looked at him confused. Before you could talk your mom interrupted you. "Could you take it back to your room?" Your mom asked as she continued to back up. You nod your head and rodan leaned onto your back as you lead him back to your room. You closed your bedroom door once you were inside.
     Rodan stopped leaning on your back which caused to look at Rodan wondering why he stopped using you as support. You smiled when you saw him trying to stand on his own. "Well, if you heal at this rate. You'll be able to go back to your home." You said as you have Rodan a beak rub. Rodan leaned into your hand and you rubbed his beak. "You're my home y/n. It may have took me a little but I was able to see it." The voice said again. "Wait. Rodan is that you talking?" You said a little creeped out. To your surprise Rodan nods his head. "You're possibly wondering how your able to hear me talk, for me it's simple but I'll do my best to explain it." Rodan said as he hoped that his explanation would help you understand why you could hear him.
     After a fifth teen minutes of explaining, Rodan helped you understand that when a titan (or kaiju) imprints on a creature that doesn't understand them or just can't hear them talk; they gain the ability to hear them and understand them. Eventually from then on the titan begins to get protective over the one they chose and will stay by them for the rest of their lifetime. This was a lot for you to take in all at once but you managed. "So since we're still on the subject, what cause you to imprint on me?" You asked as Rodan messed with the top of your head and your hair. "Well long story short. The way you looked at your mother when she was yelling and screaming at you. You looked so scared it was unreal. I also couldn't just stand there and watch you get beaten to the point you lose the ability to trust someone. Your also so kind to me, specially when you found me badly injured." Rodan explained.
((Hope you like this chapter))

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