Chapter 5

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Rodan POV:

I wake up to flashing light and loud booming like sounds only to realize that it was thundering. Before I knew it there was a much louder sound of thunder that came out of no where and scared the human awake. She looked pale and scared. I never seen a human scared of thunder before, but hey. You learn something everyday.

2nd POV:
Rodan feels bad for you that your scared. He places his head on your shoulder as you look over at him. You turn yourself to face him and gave him a hug. Rodan somehow managed to sit up and wrap both of his wings around your frame. Rodan begun to to make chirp and clicking like sounds as if he was trying to speak to you. This seemingly calmed you down and relax. Rodan kept his wrapped around you, deep in thought.
After a few minutes rodan had an idea and somewhat began to take the blankets and bed sheets, and bunching them up. This confused you. Why would rodan do this. Then it came to you that he making the blankets and sheets into a makeshift nest. You found this cute and decided to help himself in which it made rodan smile. Between the two of you, you were able to finish the blanket nest. The nest of blankets surrounded you and rodan. Before you knew rodan had pushed you down so that you were laying down.
The fire bird used his wings to bring you close to him as he laid down. Rodan keeps his left wing over you as he seemed to be starring out of the window. To you, he was treating you like a baby bird. Your trying your best not to say aw. There was another role of thunder that made you flinch and squeak. You felt rodan's wing get closer to you as he moves his head to you before giving your head a small nuzzle. He could tell you hate storms and wished that it would just go away and it go and ruin someone else's day or night. But you can't control the weather sadly. Rodan laid his head down infront of you as you yourself lay your head down and try to go back to sleep since it was only 2:00 at night.
It's being a few minutes, and sleep hasn't came to you just yet which you were dreading. You looked up to to see if rodan fell asleep or not which he looks like he's asleep. You rolled onto your side and subconsciously curled up to rodan's side, enjoying the heat he was emitting. The warmth started to make you drowsy and you were starting to dose off. The thunder seemed to let up enough for you to go back to sleep, and you did. Once you were asleep your brain registered Rodan as a stuffed animal and you snuggled your head into his side. Rodan felt you snuggle up to him and he open his eyes and watched you. He wondered why you were curling up to him all of a sudden, until he realized you were asleep. Rodan couldn't piece it together but what he was seeing just warmed his heart and he smiled again. Rodan looked out the window seeing flash of lights going on and off in the distance which was more lighting and thunder. After what rodan seen he knew that it wouldn't last long. If another loud roll of thunder comes, it would frighten the human and wake her up again. But rodan had the mindset to comfort you when more thunder comes and goes. It was gonna be a long night for you but you had a "heater" that would comfort you.

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