Chapter 2

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(y/n) POV:

The creature looked up at me as I bent down to where I'm sitting on my knees. I wonder what tore up it's wing so badly. I can't believe I'm doing this, but it's better off to try than to think about it forever and ever.
     I reached out my hand to its beak, hoping that it won't take a bite out of my hand. It seemed a little hesitant but it raised its beak up to the palm of my hand. Of course I smiled, because who on earth gets a chance to pet something that looks like Rodan one hundred percent? "Y-your not so bad. Well except your wing." I said to the creature. It huffed liked it was agreeing with me. That shocked me a little bit but not to much. The thing that shocked me the most was that it it dragged itself closer and layed it's head on my legs. Argh why is trying to be cute?! "Um... Ok. Never thought that a creature that looks like Rodan would lay its head on me." I said mostly to myself, but it looked up at me when I said Rodan. "Wha.... Wait. Your Rodan?! Like the kaiju that can blow buildings down with the wind from his wings?" The creature simply nodded its head and leaving with my thoughts for what feels like for hours.
     Eventually the creature... I mean Rodan let out a groan like sound to catch my attention. Which it did. I looked at his wing, it was almost to terrible to look at. Before I knew what I was doing I started to, very gently, pet his shoulder of the wings that looks like it was tore to shreds. From what it looked he won't be able to fly for a good 2 to 3 months. Which means he wouldn't get back to his nest or even hunt for food.
     I looked down at Rodan and I it seemed like he was watching me the whole time I had my attention on his wing. I didn't want to leave him here, cause anyone or anything can easily attack him and kill him in this state. I started to pet him on his head. "I'm probably going to be so grounded but I don't care. I'm going to take you home so I can help you heal." Rodan looked extremely happy when I said because he started to get up on his legs wrap his good wing around me as if he was giving me a hug.
    I got up off the ground and smiled at the kaiju. "Well, are you ready to go?" I asked and in response I got a happy chirp. When rodan went to take a step he went from strong to wobbly. I jumped in front of him in order to catch him, which he just about to bring me down with him. I guess whatever attack him in the first place also landed a hit on his foot. "Ok lets take this with a different approach. Hmm..... How about you lean on my back so you'll be able to walk and I won't have to dragged you to my house?" I asked.

(time skip)

     We made down the hill to the bushes that separated the small town to the forest. It was dark which meant that mom is at work and gives me the chance to get Rodan into the house. I looked around to make sure no one was outside. Once I knew that no people were outside I started to walk again with Rodan leaning on my back to support his leg.
    It didn't take long for us to get to my house. I unlocked the door as Rodan and I went inside. Once inside I had Rodan lay down on the couch and went back to the door and shut it. Then I went to get the first aid kit mom keeps in the bathroom for emergencies, and trust me. This is an emergency.

Rodan's POV:

    This place is wierd looking that's for sure. Never thought I would get to see what a human's nest would look like. There so many weird stuff in here. What caught my attention was the human coming over to me with a white box. Ok, now I'm confused. Why would the human bring a with box with her. Before I figured out why she had the box, she already had it open and attending my wing.
     I honestly thought it was going to hurt big time, but she was being very gentle. Time past and she got my wing all banged up and was now wrapping my leg up, and smiling at me. She tied the wrapping and gently gave me a pat on the head. Talk about being pampered.

(( My brain is now dead but I hope that you like it))

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