Chapter four

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2nd POV:

You never thought that one of the most dangerous creatures could get jealous of a phone. Shocking to say the least. Now You hope that no one decides to call you for tonight. It got quiet real quick when you asked rodan if he was jealous over a phone that you were previously watching a movie on. You and rodan sat there in silence after while and within a few minutes you gotten alittle cold. You forgot to turn the air down when you got back to the house. Unnoticed by you, the fire bird laying on the couch behind you sensed that you were cold and decided to help since you helped him. You were deep in thought when you felt the air around you get warmer. The warmth snapped you out and of your thoughts and you noticed one of rodan's wings was draped over you. Almost like a blanket. The thing was, it was he torn up wing that was over you keeping you warm. By this time you were so confused on why he was doing what he was doing. Without thinking you started to gently pet his wing and he seemed to relax as if the petting felt nice and calming. You continued to pet his wing. Rodan seemed to start smiling subconsciously as he saw how much you cared about him. He thought humans only thought about themselves but, staying with you for only a few hours, he saw that not all human are mean and cruel. If anything, he thinks that your the last human that had the pacifist characteristics. Rodan had no idea why he was thinking the way he was. Probably because you saved him? No. It couldn't be that. He wouldn't be feeling like he can come up to you and suspect you to give him the love and compassion when you give him the small pets and hugs. The hugs are, for right now, rare to come by from you. He knew you were alittle hesitant on giving him hugs, he couldn't really blame you for it.

As the night went on. With rodan's wing over you like a blanket and with it being an ungodly hour in the night, you were pretty tired. You stretch out your free hand as you yawned quietly. Rodan tilted his head to the side as you did this. "Well Rodan, time for me to head to bed. I'll see you in the morning ok?" You said as you go to stand up. Rodan's wing tensed up and caused you to sit back down on the ground. Rodan didn't want to leave so soon. This caused you to smile at him and give his beak a little rub. "I guess you don't want me to leave you in the living room huh?" You asked as you removed his wing from you and get up so you could get him off the couch that now looked like it's about to break due to his weight. Rodan nodded his head as you got up and started to help/get him off the couch. It took atleast two minutes to get him off the couch and up on his feet. He then leaned against you so you could lead the way and so he could much weight off of his foot as much as possible.

You made it to your room and had rodan lay on your bed, since it was nice and comfy, as you went to go get ready for bed. Once you were ready for bed you went and grabbed your sleeping bag that you use to use as a blanket long ago. Rodan was confused of why you were laying it on the floor and you sitting down on it. So he decided to grab your attention, which he was able to real quickly. The firey bird motioned his head as if saying "come on. I'm not going to bite." You somewhat got the message and got back up on your feet and made your way to the bed. When you got close enough, Rodan grabbed your pajama sleeve and practically drag you onto your own bed. Rodan's action made you confused but your confusion didn't last very long. Once you were on the bed rodan simply places his head on top of your stomach. You had a feeling you won't be able to move now as you watched rodan place one of his wings over you like a blanket once more.

You yawned due to the fact that you were not a night owl as some people put it. But you stayed up way lot longer than you usually do. As every minute passed by, you began to drift off to sleep, with rodan not far behind you. Him being injured took a huge role on him, the pain sucked the energy out of him to the point where he just really tired and wants some sleep. Eventually you both fall asleep.

(( hope you all like this chapter. I decided to make this one, well tried to make it cute and fluffy.))

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