Chapter 8

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2nd pov:

You were making making of pizza in the oven while watching some tv. While your were wiping down the counter, you heard something walk up behind you. A beak was placed on your head as wings were partly wrapped around you. You smirked as you knew who it was. "May I help you bud?" You asked Rodan. He raised his head and look at you. "You're already helping me. You're helping helping me heal my wing. No one helps me, not even any fellow kaijus" Rodan said as he caught onto the smell of the pizza. "What are you cooking? It smells weird but edible." You smiled. "It's called pizza, it's a common food for humans." You explain to the large bird and give him head pats as your oven went off, letting you know that the pizza is ready.

You and Rodan sit in front of the couch watching Jurassic Park. Rodan watched as the adult human that was with the kids ran to the bathroom or out house before the T-Rex escaped containment. "That human is rather stupid to leave the car has you call it." Rodan said looking at you. "Yeah, he is a little bit on the not smart side" You agreed as you lean up against the couch somewhat tired.

((sorry that this so short))

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