Chapter Two

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Hannah's P.O.V.

I wake up at around 2:00 PM, so that means I had slept an extra 6 hours.

I hate waking up early, so that's why I was being a bit of a bitch earlier. Plus, they're the ones making me go on tour with them. I don't even know why I'm going with them. It wasn't my decision, I was told not even one week ago that I would be going with them and I wouldn't be home for an entire year.

Anyway, I slowly rose from the bed and walked into the little living room/kitchen area.

"Good afternoon!" Just about everyone shouts at me.

"Hey! How far have we gotten away from home?" I asked, I think we would have gotten far considering we are 6 hours into the drive.

"We're just about to the town we are performing in." Riker replied, as he played on his phone.

I went to walk over to Riker, but Ross grabbed my arm and pulled me down next to him.

I tried to get up, but he wouldn't let me. I sighed and pulled my phone out. I went on tumblr and went to post a picture.

I turned to Rydel, who was sat right next to me, and took a picture of her.

"Hey!" She said, giggling.

I giggled as I posted it on tumblr. I right away got thousands of comments on it.

"I love you, Delly!" I said, still giggling a little.

"I looked so idiotic in that picture!" She giggled even more.

I burst out laughing! I fell off the couch onto the floor and about a minute later, Delly joined me.

We were rolling on the floor laughing our asses off.

After a while we cooled down and sat back down on the couch. All eyes were on us.

"What? You act as if you've never seen that happen before, when you have plenty of times." I said with a straight face.

"You're so weird." Ell says.

"Excuse me??" I say trying not to laugh, "Ell, you are just as weird, if not, weirder than me!"

All he does is look at me.

And look at me.

And look at me.

"Uhm..." I say awkwardly.

Ell pulls out a fake mustache and puts it on his face, "I am about as weird as a potato!" he replies, stroking his mustache.

Everyone started laughing at that point. My stomach hurt from laughing so much, but I couldn't stop!

Tears started rolling down my face from laughter, and it just made me laugh harder along with everyone else.






We get to the town R5 is performing in and decide to get a good nights rest for their show tomorrow.

We didn't book a hotel so we had to stay in the bus.

Everyone went off to bed, but me. I couldn't sleep.

"Hey." Someone says as the sit down next to me.

I look up and see, Savannah. She's really pretty, long black hair, big brown eyes, a gorgeous smile. Ryland's lucky to have her.

"Hey." I reply.

"Aren't you gonna go to bed?"

"Nah, I'm not all that tired." I let out a laugh, "I guess that's what I get for taking a long nap earlier."

"Yeah, I can't sleep either, it's to early for bed." She laughed a little too, "Are you Ross' girlfriend?" She asked suddenly.

"Huh?!" I gave her a weird look.

"Well it seemed like it, plus Ross talks about you nonstop." She giggled, "But I guess you're not?"

"No, he likes me. I don't like him." That sounded meaner than I expected.

"Oh, well you should give him a try. You guys would make a cute couple. Plus I've shipped #Rannah from the start!" She cheered.

#Rannah? Who came up with that? Why did they come up with that?

"Well thank you, but I don't know..." I said, not knowing what else to say.

"Well, Ry is waiting for me, I'll see you in the morning!" She said before getting up and walking to the bunks.

She's really nice, I like her.

I got up and grabbed my bag. I walked to the bathroom and got changed into my pjs, which consisted of fuzzy shorts and a tank top.

I walked back to the bunks. I really don't wanna share a bed with Ross...

I crawled into the small bed we shared and turned my back to him.

"Hannah...?" a raspy voice asked.

"Yeah?" I whispered.

"Goodnight." Ross said.

"Goodnight, Ross."

Wow, at least he didn't touch me or anything.







I sat upright. I just had one of my reoccurring nightmares.

I've had nightmares ever since my moms death.


I was in the backseat of the car, watching the rain fall down.

"Mom, are we almost there?" The 8 year old me had asked.

"Yeah, sweetie, just about."

We were on our way home from the park.

"Shit!" My mom yelled as she swerved, another car almost hit us.

"Did we almost get hit?" I asked.

"Yeah, but we're fine now." My mom looked back at me smiling, but in that quick moment another car came out in front of us.

The car was moving so fast, my mom couldn't move out of the way.

In the end we got hit straight on and my mom died instantly with the compact.

End of flashback~

I survived.

My mom died.

My dad has blamed me for her death, and came to hate me even more than he already did.

I started to hyperventilate so bad, I woke up Ross.

"Hey, hey calm down." He said soothingly.

He knows about what happened, so do the rest.

I couldn't calm down though. The dream was so real.

It was too real.

"Come here." Ross opened his arms for me, but I refused.

I will not let him touch me.

He just sighed and reached over and grabbed me.

He pulled me into his chest and started rubbing my back. He started humming too, I eventually started to calm down. I got sleepy and fell asleep right in the arms of a man, I want nothing to do with.

Hey! I had inspiration, so here you go!

Thank you for reading!

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