Chapter Five

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Hannah's P.O.V.

Right now we're at the venue R5 is playing at.

Savannah, Stormie, and I are sitting backstage as everyone else is out doing meet and greets.

"So, Hannah, what happened during that date??" Savannah asked, catching both Stormie and my attention.

"Well... We ate lunch together and went to a park. That's all." I said a little awkwardly, shifting my position on the couch we're sitting on.

"Well, yeah! But what happened?" Savannah asked, looking more anxious to know.

"Well, um, we held hands and cuddled on a park bench......." I got up walking to the mini-fridge and got out a Pepsi.

"Aww! That's so cute!"

"I'm so happy for you! I'm glad Ross fell for you." Stormie added, smiling wide at me... Do they think we're together???

"We aren't together, though."

"Oh..." Is all that Savannah could get out before everyone came running back in.

Everyone was all smiles as they sat down in their chairs, leaving no room for me to sit at. I would sit on the floor, but I'm wearing a skirt. I guess I'll just stand.

Everyone was in their own conversations having fun, then there's me... Standing there awkwardly watching everyone.

"Hey, Hannah."

"Hmm?" I looked over at Ross, who had started the conversation.

"Do you wanna sit down?"

"Yeah actually, my feet are killing me." I giggled as I pointed down to my feet, which were in three inch tall heels.

"Here." Ross pats his lap, causing me to burst out laughing.

"You're joking right? I'm not sitting on you." I looked him straight in the eyes.

"I'm not joking." He said seriously. I just looked at him, then started trying to sit on the floor.

"I'll just sit here." I said as I held my skirt down so no one could see my underwear.

"Hannah." Ross said, reaching over and grabbing my arm. He pulled me up and dragged me toward him.

"Ross, I'm not sit-" I got cut off by him pulling me onto his lap and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I guess I am then..." I said, and Ross chuckled.

"You can't escape me, Hannah." Ross whispered seductively into my ear. I just pushed his face away and tried to get up multiple times, but he held me down.

I gave up and leaned on him, crossing my arms over my chest. He wrapped his arms around me tighter. We just sat there, watching everyone else talk. I started to feel happy. I mean I've always acted happy, but it's never been real. My heart was starting to feel happy, even if it was just a teeny little bit.

"Thank you." I mumbled quietly to Ross. I kinda hoped he didn't hear it though.

"For what?" And of course he had to hear it.

"For making me feel whole again." Was all I said. We went quiet again and Ross leaned in and kissed my cheek. And to my luck everyone saw and the room burst out into a fit of 'awws' and 'their so cute'.

"Ugh..." I groaned, Ross just chuckled.

"You're so cute, Hannah." He said to me, I smiled a little at him.

"Okay everyone! It's time!" Mark shouted, and everyone got up.

I stood up from Ross' lap and he stood after me.

"Do I get a kiss for good luck?" He smirked at me. I pushed him in the chest.

"In your dreams."

Ross just smiled at me and ran over to everyone else. They all shouted 'Ready, set, rock!' and were off. Stormie grabbed Savannah and I by the hands and took us out to the crowd. We were in front row, but blocked off by the crowd of screaming fans.







After the concert, we headed back to the bus. Tomorrow we had to catch a morning flight to the next city which was in Canada.

This will be my first time out of the country, let alone out of California. I was born in Colorado, but moved to Cali when I was really young. That's how I've known the Lynch's so long. I've never been outside of California since the move, so I'm really excited.

Once we got to the bus everyone was getting ready for bed. I decided to get changed in the bunks since everyone was waiting for the bathroom.

I grabbed my stuff and walked into the bunks. Right after I had stripped down to just my underwear, Ross walked in.

I let out a little shriek as I flung my arms over my bare chest. I don't sleep with a bra on... So I didn't have one on.

"Oh!" Ross said, his eyes had grown wide and his jaw dropped.

"Why are you still looking at me!?!?" I half yelled as I tried to cover up more.

"What are those??" Ross freaked, pointing to my upper thighs. My eyes went wide as I turned around. I slipped on my shirt with my back facing him.

"Hannah, answer the question." Ross said, I could hear him coming closer. I slowly turned to face him, I was looking down because I couldn't bear to look into his eyes.

"They're scars." I replied quietly, I was still looking down.

"Hannah..." Ross got down on his knees and ran his fingers over the scars, "Did you do this to yourself?"


"Hannah, don't lie to me." He sounded hurt, but I wasn't lying.

"I'm not lying, Ross."

"Then who did them?" He looked at me, worry dead in his eyes.

"He did."


Hey! Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm planning on posting another chapter up today.

Who do you think scarred Hannah?

Do you think she will tell Ross?

Thank you for reading!

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