Chapter Eight

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Hannah's P.O.V.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Hannah. Please don't push me away." Ross said, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.

I just laid there, unable to move. I wasn't sure if I should hold him, or push him off of me. So, I'll just go with my instincts then.

When I decided what I needed to do, I pushed him off of me, "Ross, I can't. I'm sorry, it's just too much."

Then I got up and ran to the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet and just focused on breathing properly. Yes, I feel awful that I pushed Ross away, but I can't do it. Not yet at least, it's just to much. I know he just wanted to cuddle, but I just can't.

I finally got my breathing back to normal, and went to walk out of the bathroom. Right as I put my hand on the nob, I heard sniffling.

I leaned my head against the door to hear better. I started hearing sobs and more sniffling.

What's going on?

I open the door and walk into the room Ross and I share. As soon as I do, my eyes land on the bed. There sat Ross, crying. I just stood there looking at him, is he crying because of me? I've never seen him cry before...

"Ross?" I walk over to the bed and sat down beside him, I put my hand on his shoulder worriedly looking at him.

"I j-just don't understand." He sobbed out. I know he's talking about me.

"Hannah, I love you and it breaks my heart knowing that, no matter what I do, I won't have you." He fell silent after that, the only sound in the room was Ross' sobs and the tv that was still on.

I wasn't sure what to do, I've never comforted a crying person before. I've only ever seen myself cry.

"Ross, I'm sorry..." Was all I could get out, I slowly put my arm around his trembling shoulders. As soon as I did that, he fell against me, crying harder as he covered his face with his hands.

I put my other arm around him and started rocking slightly, trying to calm him down. I rested my head on-top of his. We just sat there, not saying anything else.

"Hey! We're leaving to go get dinner! Be ready and in the lobby in fifteen minutes!" I heard Rydel yell through our closed door.

I gently shook Ross, "Hey, let's go get ready, okay?"

He just nodded in return and got up, me following behind. When he turned to look at me I gasped.

His eyes were red and his face was blotchy, "Um, let's go to the bathroom to get you fixed up." I said gently, I didn't want to set him off crying again.

"Okay, but first can I get a hug...?" He looked down at me, still with his sad face.

"Of course, but only because you're sad." I said to him, before wrapping my arms around his waist. He did the same and pulled me close, I rested my head on his chest and rubbed his back slightly.

When I went to pull away, he pulled me closer, "Just a little longer, please."

I didn't say anything, just held him tighter. I felt so bad for how I'm treating him, but it's better than leading him on just for him to get hurt.

Eventually we pulled away and walked to the bathroom. I pulled out a washcloth and got it a little damp, I turned to face Ross and started to dab it on his blotchy cheeks.

"Ross, do I really mean that much to you?"

"Yes, you mean everything to me, Hannah. You're the reason I wake up everyday. The reason I smile, the reason that I do what I do. It's all because of you. You're the beat to my heart, the sun to my shine, the straw to my berry. I would do anything just to wake up to that smile of yours every single day for the rest of my life. You mean the world to me, Hannah. And I can't just let you go. I will fight for you and I will get you, even if it takes forever, I will be able to call you mine someday." Ross spilled out to me. I looked him in the eyes and couldn't stop from smiling.

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