Chapter Thirty-Five

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Hannah's P.O.V.

"I'm going to go with Julian." I thought my answer through and I do believe this is the right choice. I know Ross will get hurt, but I couldn't stand to see him everyday knowing that he's not mine anymore.


"Yes, Ross, I'm sorry it has to be this way."

"No, I'm not going to let this happen. You aren't going with Julian, and Julian has absolutely no right to tell us what to do. I'm calling the police right now." Ross stated, grabbing my arm and whipping out his phone. He quickly called 911, keeping an eye on Julian.

Julian stayed put, smirking to himself for some odd reason. What did I ever see in him? He's a complete psychopath!

I was listening in on what Ross was telling the cops. It was basically him telling them what has happened these last few days with Julian and where we are at the moment, blah blah blah...

Within minutes I could hear sirens and see flashing red and blue lights. That reminds me of joke my dad told me a long time ago, "Red, white, and blue stands for freedom, that is until you see them flashing behind you along with sirens." He told me. That was back when mom was still alive... It only feels like yesterday.

The police men got out of their car and walked toward us, "Are you Ross?"

"Yes I am, and this is Hannah. She was kidnapped by this guy earlier this week. I found her and saved her from this horrible excuse of a man. He raped her and tried to do it again, he needs to be put behind bars."

"I see," the police man turned to me, "Is this true, miss?"

All I did was nod, I felt absolutely embarrassed admitting it.

They immediately turned to Julian, "Put your hands behind your back, you are under arrest. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. If you do not have an attorney one will be assigned to you."

Julian did as told, still smirking that awful smirk of his. Oh, how I wish I could just beat the living shit out of him.

The other police man faced Ross and I, "You two may leave if you want. I hope you have a good rest of your night and I'm sorry this happened."

"It's okay, sir. We're glad you showed up." I smiled at him, intertwining Ross' fingers in mine.

We walked back to the car and hopped in, "Why would you even think about leaving me and going back to Julian? That is the most stupidest thing you have ever done, and you have done some pretty stupid things." His voice was ice cold.

I stayed quiet, there was nothing to be said to his statement. He's right, I am stupid.





We arrived back at Ross' house, and everyone welcomed us with huge hugs.

Ross and I haven't said a word to each other since Julian got arrested, and it's really scaring me. We never go this long without talking to each other, we normally forgive each other right away.

Is he really that mad at me for making a quick decision?



Here's the chapter, and just to let you know I'm ending this book in chapter 40. And yes, there will be a sequel.

So, please vote and comment.

I love you all<3333

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