Guardian Tell a Story
"Long time ago Before this World was Created, There was About 4 Guardian, That will be Me, Leos Alloy,A Carbon Human and Evolution Newtype, Back Then, The Four of us Were Having A War Between A World Destroyer name EX Or His Real Name Extreme, He was The Only that Can Destroy World With one Touch, Because he is the One who Created a Mobile Suit, He is The One Who can Revive A Person and Also He is The Only one that Destroy Anything, After that Leos Alloy Destroy EX And Delete the Programme Of Ex, But After that Ex isn't Over, He has Upgraded And has A New Body, His Body is a Little Boy, He Created his Gundam Known as Extreme Gundam Mk2, But Leos Alloy Already Defeated him, But Treme has A New Power That Called The Core System, So Evolution Newtype, Was The Only one Who can Defeat Him, After that the Evolution Newtype Sacrifiece Hinself for Protect the Universe, So The Legend say Evolution newtype Will Return and That One is The Descendant of The Legendary Newtype Amuro Ray, This is not-", Bell replied "Guardian I think this is Enough!",Guardian Replied "What!, why?", Bell replied again "You Just Tell me That Story About 3 Times and I Haven't Sleep For About 3 Days, Because of I Listen Your Story!", Guradian replied "Oh Really?, Ok Take Care Bell, Bell?, Oh Maybe He was Sleeping..".
Bell is Sleeping On His Bed At The Colony, So He Is Dreaming Right Now.
Bell As First Person
Bell open his Eye and Go to A Place,So When he was Going to The Toilet, he see He wear A School Outfit and A Name Tag, The Name Tag Name Bell Hiro, So Bell say "That Weird-", Bell look at His Face, It wasn't His Face, so After that His Face look Like A Diffrent Person, So He see A Bracelet So He wear it, So The Evolution Effect was Still on, Bell Was Going Out From The Room and He see A Pink Hair Girl With Two Horns Was Hug him,Then Bell say " What The........., Who Are you?", The Pink Hair Girl replied "Darling don't You Remember me, It's Me Zero Two", Bell replied "What The Heck is That name?, Zero Two?,i Never hear a Name like tha-", Zero Two Cover his mouth and she see Bell and she say "Your Not My Darling!?, Your........., The Green hair Boy From My Dream!", Bell replied "Wait what?", So The Girl Push Him to His Bed.
So Zero Two Open her Clothes And She open Bell Clothes, So She Open Bell Throuser, So She feel Bell was having A Boner, Bell Thought "What The Fuck!, This Girl doing", Zero Two Whisper Bell "Darling Lets Have Babies Together", Bell say "Oh Hell No-", She Cover Bell Mouth, And Tie His Hand At The Bed and She Open Bell Underwear, so She open her Bra And Her Underpants, So The Of Them Was Having Sex Together, Zero Two Say "Darling More Faster!, Faster,Faster,More!!!, Darling this Feel So Good!, I Really Want This Darling, Darling More, Kimochi!........, Now Let it Out, Your Baby Making Juice!, Just lets it Out....", So Bell Feel weak, Because of His Baby Making Juice ws Already Drain, So Zero Two say "Darling!, That was Fun, Lets Do It Again!", Bell replied "No no no no no, No..............!".
Bell Feel weak Again, So Zero two say "Darling That Was Fun, That Mean i am Bearing Your Child Then",Bell Thought say "What Kind Magic is This?!, why this Girl name Zero Two When she was Smile, She was Cute!,But Chitoge was More cute than Her-",Zero Two Touch Bell face "Darling who is This Chitoge Person!?, Tell Me!, Who is She?!, Is She more More Cute Than Me!?,Or I am More Beautiful Than Her?!,Huh!, Tell Me who is She!", Bell Thought Say "What the?, Is She can Read My Mind?!", So Zero Two Turn into her monster form, So Bell replied "Ok Zero Two Is That Your Name?, I am Sor-", So Zero Two Stab him at The Stomach, Then He Die.
After that He wake up again But At One place, So He say "Oh Man!, That Was Just A Dream, That Girl Was Just-,Wait This Is Not my Room, Wait This room Feel Look Familiar-", Bell was on Somebody Bed, Bell Feel At The Next Of Him It Was Meyaku, Bell say "M..M...M...M...Meyaku!", Meyaku wake up and She say "Oh Senpai, What Time Is It?",Bell Look At Her Body, He say "WHY YOUR NAKED?", Meyaku replied "Actually We Were having Sex, That why",Bell replied "what???", After That Meyaku say "Senpai, i Want it More Again!",Bell was Fall from The And It Bang Bell Head.
Bell Awake again, But He is In one House, So He is Going Out To the Bed, He see Two Children Was Playing Chase, So The Boy say "Ok You Can't Catch Me", The Girl say "Onii-Chan,You Were Too Fast-, Papa?,Papa!", So she Hug Bell, Bell Feel Shock "what?", The Boy Say "Papa, You Awake,Lets Play!", Then The Mother call them"Wataru!, Natsumi!, It's Time for Dinner!, If You Father Awake Call Him Also!", The Two of Them Say "Ok Mama!", Wataru talk to Bell "Father, Lets Eat!", Bell replied "Ok, Wataru is That You Name?", So Bell was Going Down Stairs, So He See a Blonde Woman Was Organise The Table For Dinner, Bell feel That Woman Is The Girl that Bell always Dream About, Bell was Going To Talk to Her, Then She See him and She say "Oh Darling Your Awake?, Ok Here's The Dinner", Bell see A Ring At Her Hand, Bell see at His Hand, There was A Ring At His pinkie Finger, The Woman See Bell was see His Hand, Then She say "Darling Have you already Wash your Hand?", Bell Didn't Respond, So that woman Smile, And She grab Bell hand, She say "It's Ok, That You have Amnesia, Just Eat Some-" She see At the Food, Their Children Was Playing With Their Food, So She angry to Wataru "WATARU, MAMA HAVE TEACH YOU HOW TO EAT THIS MEAL!!!!!", Wataru replied "Sorry Mama", Bell thought say "Her Voice, She look Like Chitoge,Her anger, Her soft side, Her ladies like And Her Manners Look like her", Bell was Already sit Down At the Table, So The four of Them eat Together,After The Dinner,The Woman Was Folding The Clothes From The Washing Machine, So After That Bell was at Behind of her, She sing and She see Bell, she shock "Darling!, you Shock me!", Bell respond "Blonde Girl?", The Blonde Woman replied "What?, Wait!, You Memory?, It''s return", So She hug Him, Wataru see it,So Natsumi say "Onii-chan Can i Hug You-", Wataru replied "No!",So Bell and The Blonde Woman Was Together at The Bed,So Bell say "I Love you Blonde Girl", The Blonde Women replied "It's You Can Call Me, What ever You want Darling", So The Two of Them was Having Sex Again,After that The Blonde woman Say "I don't Know that your were This strong, Lets Do It Again!",Bell replied "Ok, Lets do It Again", **(Again Age 18 Below are not Suitable With This)****, So The Next Morning Wataru and Natsumi is Going to School, So Bell and The Blonde Woman was In The House,so Bell see His old Photos When Bell was in High school, So The Blonde Woman See it, So She Approach Him,She say "Darling are you Watching The old Photos?", Bell replied "Yeah But What Happen, To This Girl", Bell Pointed at Chitoge, The Blonde Woman Shock "You Don't Know What Happen To her?", Bell replied "Yeah, Maybe She Married to Ichijo-Kun, Or She Married To Someone Because she Married-", the Blonde Woman Replied "She was Having A Good Life", Bell replied "Like What?, Wait!,She was Married to another One", The Blonde Girl Replied "No Darling, I say She was Having a Good Life now, That Because one Person is The One Who change Life", Bell replied "Oh Yeah I am the one Who Change Her Life, Because she Was My Friend, Because I like Her Since I Met From-", Bell see There was Chitoge Ribbon At The Box, Bell go To the box and He say "This Ribbon was Belong to Chitoge, And Why Do you Have this?, Are You a Fan Of Chitoge Kirisaki?",The Blonde woman Replied "Darling I am Going to Tell You,If i wear This You Always Remember Me",So The Woman Wear The Red Ribbon, So Bell see it and Say "Wait!?, You Look Like Her and You Look Like The Girl-, Wait Don't tell me Your C...C..C......C...C.....Chitoge?!", The Blonde Woman Replied "I Was going to Tell You and Yes I Am Chitoge Kirisaki, You old Friend, Your Friend When During high School and The Most Important person in you life", Bell Thought say "If She Is Chitoge, That Mean, She is my Wife-" Bell was Trip and Bang To the Head, Chitoge Adult Version say "Darling!..",, So He wake Up From His Sleep.
So Bell say "I Dream About Three Girls, Firstly that Unit Girl Name Zero Two, Then Meyaku and i Have Married to-", The Ship Announcer say "BellQuantum Ray Please Go to See Montag, Bell Quantum Ray Please Go to the Montag Room Thank you", So Bell go To The Room and He say "What is It Mcgillis san?, Is There any problem?", Mcgillis replied "Yes We Are Going back to Earth, But We Have a Company, The Neo Zeon Has Block our Way to The Earth, But I Have a Plan, So I Give this, So Here The Plan............".
Mobile Suit Gundam Zero The New World 1st Arc (MANGA VERSION)
Fantasy10 years ago, a young blonde hair girl who promised with a boy who believe as a child soldier, he doesn't have a name so she give that boy name Yuuki.(this story is follow of nisekoi a Little a bit ), (But The Most Of It, It was Follow Mobile Suit...