Episode 22: Gaelio Roll Out Part 1

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Gaelio Use His Gundam Kimaris Attack Iok, Then After That Iok say "Well Let seet How Your Gundam Can Defeat me!......", Gaelio Say "Lets Go Ein!!!!.......", Gaelio Grab the Lance He Shoot it using the Bullets, After That Bell and The Rest Of Celestial Being, Go to The Hangar bay, So Iok See They Were Retreating, So He Talk To his Comrades "YOU LET THEM GET AWAY!!!!....", Gaelio Replied "Now You WITH ME IOK KUJAN!!!.......", Iok Replied "Gaelio!!!!!!!!", So Gaelio Push His Mobile Suit, But Gaelio Avoid Iok Attack, Iok Can't See Gaelio Movement "His Movement!, I can't SEE......!!!!!!", Gaelio replied "Thanks To Someone!,i Have Now to use to to Kill..........Rustal-Sama!.........", Iok Replied "Wait!,you.....You....YOU KILL RUSTAL SAMA!!!!!",Gaelio Replied "This is For My Friend Promise To Mcgillis!",Back in Post Disaster, Before Mcgillis Died, His last Word Is "Gaelio, Can You Kill.....Rustal Ellion For....., Just Say This is For Amelia........", So Gaelio Accept it,So At the Announcement Of Ghallarhorn,Rustal Say "At This Time We Gharllhorn Must Kill Person Who-", So Rustal Feel A pain At his Chest, So it Was Bleeding, He Say "Who Shot Me-", Someone Kill Rustal,It Was Reveal As Gaelio, So Gaelio Kill Julieta Also, When She was Going to Find Gaelio, After That Arianhood Was a Disaster, So After his Promise With Mcgillis, He Go to His Gundam Kimaris, So After That He Suicide by Shot At His Head, So After That he teleport to Zero World, So He Say "I Must Find Mcgillis!", End Of Flash backing, So Gaelio Say "The Reason Why I Kill Rustal-Sama Beacause of My Promise Mcgillis...",Iok Replied "You Son Of A!......",After That Iok Comrades Say "Sir The Evolution Is Gone Sir!",So Iok Replied "Ok Retreat!!!", After that the Rest Of the Group was Retreat, Bell Talk to Mcgillis "Mcgillis Who is That Gundam Pilot", Mcgillis Replied "His Name Actually Is Gaelio......".

To Be Continued

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