Episode 25:The Final War Part 2

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Now Bell and Charles Once Fight Again,The Same as Zero Century, so Bell And Charles Say "Now!", The Two Gundam Frame Eyes Turn Red, Gundam Barbas Use the Claw To Tear Down the Horn, Bell Use The Mace To Attack at Charles Mobile Suit, So Charles Say "This Is Not The End!, Bellquantum Ray!..........",Bell Replied "I am Not Give Up That Easy!....., Let Go Gundam Barbas!.......", The Gundam Eyes was Fast, So Bell Use The Claw, To Tear Down Any of The Body, Then After That Charles Order All Of His Soldier Attack Bell, So bell Say "Let GO GUNDAM BARBAS!!!!......", the Gundam eyes Turn Green To Red.

The Gundam Frame Slice Every Zaku again,The Head, The Cockpit,Until Bell Was Angry Like Everything, Bell Say "This is For My Friend!....".

Meanwhile Mcgillis And Gaelio Faces With Iok Kujan, So Iok Say "Hmph!, Your Mobile Suit, Cannot Defeat Me Mcgillis!.......", Mcgillis Replied "Well We Have Improvement For That....", Iok Replied "Hmph, That Only You Can......., Wait?, Did You Say Improvement----", Gaelio Use Lance And Drill It At The Cockpit, But It Was Not Effected, So Mcgillis And Gaelio Say "What The?!.....",Iok Replied "Hahahhahahahahahaha!,Now My Mobile Suit!, Cannot Effect Any Of Your Movement!...",Mcgillis Talk To Bael "Bael, Now Let Your Power Into Me.....", Then Mcgillis Was Feel On Pain, Gaelio Say "Mcgillis!", Then After That Gaelio Say "There No Use To Kill Iok, But I Have one Solution!, Ein!",Gundam Kimaris Vidar Activate The Alaya-Vijnana System E, So Gundam Kimaris Vidar Grab The Lance and The Sword, And It Attacking Iok Mobile Suit, So Iok Say "Now Lets Go!.....", So The Two Of Them Was Fight.

Meanwhile Bell And Charles Was Fighting Using Their Mobile Suit, Gundam Barbas Use The Claw, And Hit The Ground To Make The Dust, So Gundam Marax Use The Detected Unit to Attack Bell, So Bell SY "Don't Give Up We Have Stilll Hope!", After That Charles Say "Now This The End BELLQUANTUM RAY!.....".

Gundam Barbas Grab The Twin Mace, So It Hit It At The Gundam Marax Thruster, Charles Say "You!!!...., Bastard!!!!!", Gundam Marax Using The Axe And It The Claw, Bell Rejected The Claw, Bell Use The Tail To Attack at Charles Mobile Suit, Charles Block it.

Meanwhile Gaelio Mobile Suit Was Damage,So Gaelio Say "What Kind Of Monster Are You!?..........", Iok Replied "You Know!, You Just A Simple Soldier Back In Post Disaster!, Now I Will Destroy Everything.......,Including You GAELIO!!!!!!!", After That Gundam Iok Grab The Big Sword, It Was Going To Hit Gaelio But Suddenly It Was Stop, Gaelio say "What The?....", It Reveal Gundam Bael.., Gaelio Replied "Mcgillis?......", Mcgillis Replied " Are You Ok Gaelio?", Gaelio Replied " Yeah I Am Fine", Mcgillis Say "Now This The End of You Iok Kujan!...., Let Go Carta!", Carta Replied "Ok!", All The Graze Soldier Ambush Iok Mobile Suit, So Iok Say "What The!.....", He Slice Every Of The Graze, After That The Graze Fall Back,Then Mcgillis Attack Iok, After That Charles Talk Tk Iok "Iok Do You Know What Is Our Plan....", Iok Replied " Oh Yeah I Reamember....",So Mcgillis Say "Gaelio!,Fallback,EveryoneOf You Fallback!, Carta!,Fallback!", Gaelio Say "Mcgillis-", Mcgillis Replied "Fallback Now!....", Gaelio Replied "Ok..", So Gaelio and Carta Fallback,Bell Talk To Akihiro and Shino "Guys!, You need To Retreat Now!", Akihiro Replied "Why Young Master?", Shino Also Replied "why?", Bell Replied "This Just Me And....Charles....", Akihiro Replied "Alright.....,Shino Let Go!....", So At this War Everyone Was Retreat Now At The Battle Field,The One Who Are Still At Battle is Bell and Mcgillis,With Their Undamage Gundam Frame, So Mcgillis Say "Are You Ready Young Master?", Bell Replied "Yeah!,I Am Ready!!!!!...........".

Meanwhile At Space Rustal Was Incharge Of The Drainsleif Team At the Space, So Charles Call Him "Rustal Ellion!, Now Target the Two Gundam Frame At That At The Battle Field Now!!!!...", Rustal Replied "Ok Sir", Now He Call All The Drainsleif Team To Shoot At The Two Gundam Frame,So They Sense The Unit ASW-G-01 Gundam Frame Type Bael And ASW-G-05 Gundam Frame Type Barbas, After The Scanning Rustal Say "Now!,Fired!!!.....",


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