Episode 24:The Final War Part 1

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Charles Order All his Troop To Kill The Evolution Newtype, So Their Mobile Suit Is Ready, Montag Company Has Only Certain Mobile Suit, The Gundam Frame,The Gundam Unicorn And Graze Is The Only Mobile Suit They Have, So Gundam Barbas Has Already The Weapon, The Sword Mace, 200mm Calibur Gun On the Forarm,300mm Rocket Launcher and also Lupus Tail, The Gundam Unicorn Is Equip With The Beam Rifle and The Sheild, Bell Go to the Cockpit, He Same As Mcgillis,Akihiro,Shino,Alphazack,  Gaelio.

so Bell Say "Lets Go Everyone!", Bell Insert The Alaya-Vijnana System, So Charles Army Already At The Battle Field,Charles Is At The His Place, In The Rest Place, So Charles Talk to his Comrades "If Something Move Kill it!", His Comrades Replied "Yes Sir!",So Iok Call Them using Micro-Phone "Mcgillis Just Hand Over Evolution Newtype, Or We Just Let Your Company and You Kill the Evolution Newtype......", They Didn't Respond, So After That Iok Call Charles "Sir!,Montag Company Didn't Respond, So What Should We Do Sir?", Charles Replied "If They Didn't Respond,Just Shoot it Using The Canon!", Iok Replied "Ok Now Fired!-", Suddenly Montag Attack Them, Gundam Flauros Turn To Rider Mode, so Shino Press The Trigger, The Gundam Shoot it at Very Sharp, About 5 Mobile Suit is Shot Down, So Shino Say "Now!,Young Master!", Bell Step The Pedal, The Gundam Thruster Rise up, The Enemy Say "What The?,Look Up!", They See Gundam Barbas, Jump And the Gundam Smash The Ground, Bell Say "Charles!........", Charles Say "It Time To Fix The Rise The Gundam Frame!, Now Dransleif Team!, Target The Gundam Frame With The Tail!", The Dransleif Team Replied "Yes Sir!", Then Bell Activate Overlord Mode Alaya-Vijnana System Version, The Gundam Eyes Turn Green To Red, Bell Say "Now It's Battle Time!", Bell Use The Claw And Slice Every Zaku and The Enemy Graze Brutality.

", Charles Say "It Time To Fix The Rise The Gundam Frame!, Now Dransleif Team!, Target The Gundam Frame With The Tail!", The Dransleif Team Replied "Yes Sir!", Then Bell Activate Overlord Mode Alaya-Vijnana System Version, The Gundam Eyes Turn Gre...

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the Tail Strike Every Graze Cockpit, The Claw Strike Only At The Cockpit Of Thr Zaku, So Later on The Pilot Say "I Can't Read His Weakness, Haa!

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the Tail Strike Every Graze Cockpit, The Claw Strike Only At The Cockpit Of Thr Zaku, So Later on The Pilot Say "I Can't Read His Weakness, Haa!.......", The Captain Say "Shoot It at the Cockpit!", His Comrades Replied "Yes sir!", Gundam Barbas Use The Claw Slice Every Enemy Mobile Suit, He Crush Every Cockpit, The Graze Cockpit, The Mobile Suit Bell Destroy It, Mcgillis And Gaelio Once Unite Again, So Mcgillis Say "So Gaelio Lets Defeat Iok Now....",Gaelio Replied "Ok!...,Let Go Ein!", Now The Gundam Kimaris Activated Alaya-Vijnana System E, Gundam Kimaris And Bael, Attack The enemy mobile suit, So After That, Bell Sense a Ahab Reactor, So he Say "Ahab Reactor?", So After That, There a Gundam Frame Over There, So Bell Say "So Your The One who Killed Everything......Charles!", Charles Replied "No!,Well......You On our Trap...",Bell replied "What The?", The Gundam Camera See There was a Mark X, So Bell Newtype Sense Is Tingling, So Bell Say "YOU SON OF A BITCH.............-", Charles Say "Now Drainsleif Team!", The Dransleif Team Fired It At Bell, So After That The Bullet Was At The Cockpit, So It Was A Direct Hit, Bell Is Crush By The Drainsleif, So After That He War Is End Now, Bell Now Confirm Dead, Mcgillis See Gundam Barbas Was Damage and he Say "Young Master!..........".

Iok Say "It's Over Fareed-Sama!,Evolution Now Is Gone.......", After That Mcgillis Is Angry, So He say "Lets Go Bael!", Gundam Bael Is Rush To Charles, Mcgillis Say "Charles!!!!!!!!!!...........", So Charles Say "Drainsleif Team!....",The Drainsleif Team Snipe At Mcgillis, So They Fired At The Gundam Bael, Gundam Bael Is Hit, So Charles Say "Now It Over!, Evolution Newtype Now Die!,And  also Your Montag Now Is D-", Mcgillis Say "No!, I am Still Alive!,This For Almiria!, Young Master!", The Drainsleif Shoot It At Gundam Bael Left Wing and Right Hand.

So Mcgillis Say "I am Not Give Up That Easy!",Gundam Bael Eyes Turn Pink To Red, So Mcgillis Left Eye Is Bleeding and Also His Nose Is Bleeding, So He Say "Lets Go Bael!!", Gundam bael Was also Speed, So The Gundam  Shoot It Using The Right Wing, Grab The Sword, So He Dash It So Quickly, After That Charles Say "Now Time To End Montag!",Charles Sheild Has a Drainsleif, So He Shoot It At Mcgillis, After That Mcgillis Died, Because of He Is Also Crush By The Drainsleif,So After That Charles Say "Now Victory Is Mine!-", He Fell Strange, "What The?!",The Evolution Newtype Is Rewind Back To Earlier, So Before The Drainsleif Fired, So The Drainsleif Team Shoot it, But Bell Can See The Future He Avoid It,So After he Avoid It, Charles Also Angry "How Come You Can Do That!", Bell Replied "This is Because of I have Evolution Newtype, Because I am The Evolution Newtype, The Last And Also You Nightmare Charles Aznable!", Charles Say "The isn't Over!", Bell Replied "Yeah The Isn't Over Charles!,Let Go Barbas!", Gundam Barbas And Gundam Marax Once  Again  Fight Each Other, and Also The Two Zero Century Character Is Going To Battle,So Bell Say "Let me See What You Got Barbas!", Now Gundam Barbas Turn into Furiously So The Two Fight Again....


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