After The War Between Charles, Bell Was Back To his Country At Japan, So Bell Feel Exausted After The War, Bell Call The Taxi To Come And Go Back Home,Bell Say "Taxi!....",So After That His Mother Make A Meal, For Bell return, So After That His Father Say "Honey What Are You Making?", Marina Replied "It Is Your Favorite Dish Darling and Our Son Dish....",So After That Someone Was Knocking The Door, So Marina Call Synthia "Synthia!,Some one At The Door", Synthia Replied "Ok Mother....",So She Open The Door, Bell Say "Good Morning-",Synthia Hug Bell And She Say and Cry "Onii-Chan!........, Welcome Back.......",So Marina Say "Synthia Who Is The Person-",She See Bell, Marina Cry and Hug Bell "My Son........,You Have Come Back.........., My Baby...........", Bell Say "Mom!, Synthia I Just Come Back About 3 Months", Marina Replied "3 Months?,You Gone For 3 Weeks.......", Bell Replied "What?,I Thought, Of Wait?, i Remember, It Logic Time Period Now, In Every Mecha Show 3 Months Mean 3 Weeks......", Marina Confused "Son!,Why Are Talking About?",Bell Replied "Nevermind!", So He Smell His Mom Cooking, So He Say "Mom What Are You Making?,The Smell Look Like Chicken Briyani", Marina Replied "it Is, Ok Synthia Call You Father It Time To Eat..".
So After The Lunch Bell Go To His Room, And Building His Gunpla, The HG 1/144 Scale RX 00 Gundam Zero, His Gundam From Back In Zero Century,So The Next Day Bell Was Going to School, so Ichijo see Bell and he Call Him "Bell!....,Is That You?", Bell Replied "Yeah Ichijo....,It Is Me, It Been So Long We Haven't See You Bell", Bell See Onodera And Ichijo Was Holding Hand,Bell Feel Starnge And say "Ichijo, Why Do You Hold Your Hand With Onodera?, Why not With Chitoge?", Ichijo Replied "Sigh....,Bell There Something i Really Wanted To Tell You Me and Chitoge Were Break up, Because of Her Stressful Life,She Hate Me, And Her Childhood Friend That She Found That Her Childhood Friend Died, In America, She Died At suicide, So After That Chitoge Was So Stress, So Rumour That She......That She......That She...........", Bell Replied "What?!-", Then Bell See A Dark Aura Was Pass Through Them,Bell See a Red Ribbon With Blonde Hair, So he Say "Chitoge-", Ichijo Cover Bell Mouth, And Go Some where, Chitoge Turn Around, She See No was There, So She Go To School Now, So Bell Say "Why Do You cover My Mouth!-'", Ichijo Replied "Don't Call Her Name!,Bell!!,I don't Like Her Anymore, She Has A Stressful Day, She HATE ME!, SHE HATE EVERYONE NOW!!!!!!, BECAUSE OF.....BECAUSE OF.....BECAUSE OF......(While he Cried), BECAUSE OF............!!!!!!!!!!!", Bell Say "There...There....There......There...., Just Keep Calm......, Don't Cry,We Have Emotion Life, But I Have Emotion Life Too", Bell Flash Backing Using The Evolution Bracelet Ichijo and Onodera See,During Back In Zero Century Bell Have A Painful Life, He Was Tortured By The Orphan Keeper, He was Beaten By His Bullies, Someone Was Syringe Him Using The Newtype Serum, Bell Join Two War, First War, He Was The Only One Standing and The Second War He,Shin and Kaitou Was There, So There Three Survive, So After That End Of His Flashbacking, Bell Say "That How My Life Ichijo.....".
Later On They Go to the Class, Chitoge Has Her Dark Aura and Her Face Was Look Angry,So Bell Feel Bad, Because of Chitoge Was Sad, So After That their Teacher Arrive So She Say "Welcome Back Bell To School,So Today I Have A Job For You Bell.......",Bell See A lot of Paper Work, So he Say "Sensei, What Is This?", His Teacher Replied "This Is Your Test , So I Give you about 7 Hours to.......Go!", So After 7 Hours Later, Bell Feel Exausted,So his Teacher say "Bell Are You Ok?, I Just Worried......", Bell Replied "I am Fine Sensei, I Just......", So his Techer say "Ok Bell i Have Mark You Marks, So Congratulation Bell You Have Suceed Bell, So See You next Year.....",After That Bell Was Going To Class Find Chitoge,She Wasn't There,So After That Chitoge Feel So Stress,So She was Sad, During Bell At The Class,Bell See Chitoge And Go Staright Down,While Ichijo was Waiting Bell at The Shoe Closet, So Bell Go The Shoe Closet and He staright To Chitoge To He Call Her "CHITOGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Chitoge Turn Around So she say "Bell?-",He Hug Her,So he Say "Don't Go,Because There Something I Really Wanted to Tell From The Start Of This Serius.....",Chitoge Replied "what?......", Bell Replied "Nevermind......, But There Something I Really want To Tell You.....", Chitoge Replied "What Is It!,I Am Late......", Bell Mind Say "Ok Bell This Is It!, You Chance's To Be Your Girlfriend....", Chitoge Angry "Ok That Enough!,i Really Wanted To Go To Home Now!, You Just Wasted My Time!-", Bell Say "I Love You.................", Chitoge Stop Walking and She say "What Bell...,Are Serious-", Bell Replied "Yes I am Serious....,Because I Love You Back From You Accidently Kick My Face and I Dream a Family With You........",Chitoge Replied "What?, I Also have a Dream A Family With You Also Bell......", Bell Replied " I Know That Your Father Plan was You Going Married Ichijo But Chitoge I Love You!......", Chitoge Blush...
Chitoge Replied(While She Blushed) "Are you Sure that You Are going to Married Me?....",Bell Replied "Yes i Will Promise....", after That Bell Say "But Before That There Something I Really Wanted To Tell You",Chitoge Was Going closer To Him, Ichijo and Onodera Was Watching Them,So Their Mind Say "Oh My God!,What Is She Doing?,Bell Go!,Do It Bell!", Then Bell say "Well I am Yū-",Chitoge Kiss Him At The Lips, Suddenly Onodera Blush "What The?....", Ichijo Feel Strange " Why Do i Feel Jealous!.......", After The Kiss Bell Blush and Say "What....What....What.....What.....?,You...You......You...You....Kiss Me!....", Chitoge Smile "Of Course Bell, Because i Love You......", After that Bell Hear a Echo of The Blonde Girl, So He Flashback about The Blonde Girl, End Of His Flashbacking, Bell say "Chitoge!, There Something I Really wanted To Tell you....., I Am..........Yūki.........", After That Chitoge Replied "What?......", Bell Grab The Promise Locker, Chitoge Put The Key To the Key hole and...It Was Unlock, That Mean Bell Is Chitoge Childhood Promise Boy.
Bell Talk to evolution "Evolution Switch Off...", Evolution Replied "Switch Off all Right!...", After That It Reveal Bell Old Face,So Chitoge See The Face,So She Say "Yūki?....., Is.....That....You?........", Bell Replied "Yes Chitoge I am Yūki........", Chitoge Cry,So Bell Say " Are You Ok Chito-", Chitoge Hug Him While She Cry, So She Say "Yūki,I Thought You Dead!, I Really Want You...., And.....I Love You Bell....,Can I Call You Bell? Or Yūki?", Bell Replied "Bell Actually Is My Real Name But Yūki Is Actually My Favorite Name...", So After That Bell Bring Chitoge To Park That Where They Promise, So Bell Say "Do You Remember Chitoge Chitoge, This Place....",Chitoge Replied "This Place Is Actually Where We Fall In Love....", After That Bell and Chitoge Was Closer,Then The Two Of Them Kiss.
The Narattor Say:
"Now Bell Meet Again The Girl From His Childhood Promise, Chitoge Also Meet Again With Her Childhood Promise, So They Were Fight Each Other, Love Each Other And The Most Important, Is That Bell Is Life Back from Zero Century Was a Very Deep, Like The Bad Stuff In 17 Century, So Now This is The End Of Mobile Suit Gundam Zero The New World............."
The End......
Mobile Suit Gundam Zero The New World 1st Arc (MANGA VERSION)
Fantasy10 years ago, a young blonde hair girl who promised with a boy who believe as a child soldier, he doesn't have a name so she give that boy name Yuuki.(this story is follow of nisekoi a Little a bit ), (But The Most Of It, It was Follow Mobile Suit...