So Bell Arrive At The Battle Station,He See Mcgillis Was Fighting With Iok, So Bell Fire The Rocket Launcher to Iok Weapon, So He Say "Mcgillis Can i Fight Him?", Mcgillis Say "Ok You Can Fight With Him But Just Caution Young Master, He Can Trick You....", Bell Replied "Ok Let Go Barbas!", Bell Grab The Sword Mace,Then He Ambush Iok, But Iok Has Alaya-Vijnana System, He Miss Everytime, Bell Say "Stay Still!!!!!",Iok Replied "How Come You Can Stay Still Me!,I have Alaya-Vijnana System, Let See How This Gundam.....Can Do!!!", Bell Push Him, Later On He was Fall, So Iok Say "Now After i Defeat Evolution......, Now Die!!!......", After That Something Just Safe Him, an Unknown Gundam Frame, It Look Like Have A Hoover Mode, So Iok Say "Come OUT!,WHERE EVER YOU ARE!!!!",After Bell Newtype Sense Was tingling, Then Later on The Unknown Gundam Frame Appear, So The Unknown Gundam Frame say "NOW EIN!", The inside of the cockpit was Changing, Into Alaya-Vijnana System D,The Name Of The System, The Gundam Was Fast, So Iok Hear The Voice So He say "Wait?!, I know that Voice?!,Gaelio Baudein!!......", Gaelio Replied "Now It Time To Use Now Ein!", The Gundam Change To Hoover Mode, Mcgillis See and Feel The Gundam Frame, So He say "Gundam.....Kimaris...., hm!, Gaelio.......,Your The One Who kill me in My Universe, So I Will See How You use the Kimaris....",After That Iok Say "That Impossible!,How Come You Alive In This World?!", Gaelio Replied "That Because i have Fate.., Lets Go EIN!",Gundam Kimaris and Gundam Kujan Is Fighting, Bell Say "Another Gundam Frame?!", Gaelio Say "You Over There, Retreat Now, This Is My Fight With Him!",Bell Replied "Ok".
Gaelio And Iok is Fighting Now.....
Mobile Suit Gundam Zero The New World 1st Arc (MANGA VERSION)
Fantasy10 years ago, a young blonde hair girl who promised with a boy who believe as a child soldier, he doesn't have a name so she give that boy name Yuuki.(this story is follow of nisekoi a Little a bit ), (But The Most Of It, It was Follow Mobile Suit...