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a.n - when I mention football (which is like the whole basis of this book) i mean american football like.. 🏈 not soccer. even though dnp are still in z uk ((😪 i know i'm uncultured!!)

Dan slowly ran his fingers through his short curls feeling how accidentally soft his hair was that cold morning.

With his left shoulder weighed down by a heavy (but obviously aesthetic) black backpack, he cupped his mouth as he yawned walking deeper into the hallway in front of him.

Clashing with smelly humans down a cramped walkway was never a fun way to begin the day but only to make it worse, abruptly he was intentionally shoved forward. His hands and bare knees hit the hard (and very unsanitary) white tiles of the school.

"Move fagot, I've don't got all day."
A boy—or more man—stood tall with the look of an ugly bull. His muscular frame casting a shadow over Dan, as he laid like a dainty princess everyone knew he was. He made a fake horrified look on his face then snorted containing his laughter.

Some of the students gasped in shock and only a few went to help him back up.

Dan giggled staring up at the scary senior in front of him. He tugged down on the pleats of his turquoise and white cheerleading skirt sharing the same colour scheme as all the football players. With a small smile, Dan shook his head.

"Why're ya' laughing pansy?!" The senior almost screamed, making everyone stare and surround the two.

Dan pulled up his backpack lacing it back on his shoulder. "Fagot and pansy?" He covered his mouth giggling again. "You sound like my grandpa, how original."

The senior's face was the colour of an over-ripe tomato, his eyes looked like they might pop out of his sockets.

Dan smirked triumphantly, watching the man in front of him clench his fist with hard staring eyes. "Now tell me, Jason...does my sexuality intimidate you?"

Everyone crowed around them letting out an amused "oooooh" making this so called Jason's face contort with a yearning venomous outburst.

Dan giggled turning around softly, slightly bending over. "Or are you just afraid to admit that my skirt turns you on?"

The cluster of students laughed loudly striking an utter torrent of rage in Jason.

With tiny bubbles of froth forming at the corners of the mouth, Jason swung his fist with full force, but luckily Dan was jerked away by a firm hand.

In one swift and almost unnoticed motion, a taller more robust body pushed Dan behind him and an easy quick punch to Jason's nose made everyone in front of the crowd squirm in response.

Jason backed away in fear holding his now bloody nose. "Asshole!" Jason fumed.

The boy who punched Jason square in the face turned around revealing his petrifying green eyes.

Dan sighed irritatedly, blowing a loose curl out of his face. He held out his arm towards his emerald eyed buddy PJ, one of Dan's football friends. Dan's dainty hand hung and instantly PJ gripped onto the small boy's wrist yanking him out of the crowd.

PJ whipped around pulling Dan like a rag doll with him. "Get to class everyone!" He yelled towards the horde causing everyone on instinct to part ways into their separate classes.

"Yeah! That's right run to your daddy! Fucking queer!" Jason screamed trying to have the last word.

Dan scrunched up his face and used all of his strength to turn around. He stuck out his tongue, blowing a raspberry like a little child would.

PJ rubbed his face with his left hand, still keeping his right hand linked to Dan's wrist—just in case. "You have a game tonight Dan. I would prefer you to be there as a cheerleader and not the football please."

Dan laughed at this then dropped his head to his toes.

"Why the hell do you always have to pick a fight with Jason?" Peej scorned like a mother to their child.

Dan freed his wrist from PJ's grasp as they both stepped closer to their first period.

Dan shrugged pouting his lip as he scratched his white cleats against the floor. "I dunno. He's fun to mess with. Plus he pushed me to the ground—granted it didn't hurt—but still!" He whined.

Peej sighed shaking his head.

Dan crossed his arms, rolling his eyes. "You don't have to fight my battles Peej, I could have handled it.."

"Dan. You would have been soup if I was absent today."

Dan giggled softly then looked up through his eyelashes to meet PJ's cold and slightly disgruntled gaze.

The cheerleader looked back down at his shoes until they arrived at the door of Dan's classroom.

Dan exhaled loudly, finally making eye contact with PJ. "Thanksforsavingmefrombeingapileofsoup." He mumbled quickly, letting out a hot breath glancing up at the ceiling.

Peej laughed placing his hands on his hips. His padded football jersey had the number 9 on it along with Clearwater Spartans which made his build seem much more empowering. "Wait. What was that? Did?" He gasped dramatically placing a hand over his heart. "Did you thank me?"

Dan nodded, looking anywhere besides his friend standing front of him.

PJ awed at the smaller boy making Dan narrow his eyes in utter annoyance.

Peej leaned against the door frame of the classroom, making his 'thinking face'. "Alright," He said in a mutter. "If they call you up to the office, tell them it was me who punched the dick—"

"No! Then you can't play tonight!"

"I'll be benched for one game. They can check the cameras it was easily self defense in your case."

Suddenly, the tardy bell rang through the halls.

"Yes mum, whatever go, cheer is boring without you at the games," Dan shoved him away with both of his hands. "You're the only reason I pay attention to the score."

PJ chuckled turning around. "I'm so flattered."

"Bye daddy!" Dan screamed as Peej walked away.

"Au revoir fucking queer!"

Dan turned around meeting the questionable faces of his academic peers and his wrinkly English teacher.

With a giggle in his throat he walked towards his desk. "Inside joke." He answered.

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