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Fingers interlocked at the tips.

They continued to run at full force, the old man's flashlight shining briskly on their soaked backs. Both couldn't help but burst out into laughter over the incident.

Dan looked back at the man noticing how he wobbled when he ran, the torch swishing side to side. His long blue and white striped pajamas got caught on a perfectly trimmed dark green bush.

Phil turned around watching the old guy shake his fist in the air, the expression laying on his face screaming: "I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog too!"

They continued to jog and cackle, the night around them slowly becoming more and more of a memory. Hand in hand they finally made it into Phil's car, still giggling violently over the situation. Trying to contain their laughter, Dan made it back into his skirt and spandex shorts of course after a little fight for them back with Phil.

As the chuckles turned into light humming, Dan still couldn't find a way to wipe the pearly grin from his cheeks. It seemed solely impossible, especially after Phil glided his eyes over to Dan's connecting them softly to one another.

Hesitantly, he gazed back up at him. The swirls of emotion he saw there made the curly-haired boy gasp. Lust and desire. However, before Dan could ponder about it further, Phil leaned in and ever so delicately lifted Dan's chin. In ease, Dan pushed himself forward allowing Phil to cover his mouth with his hungry kiss. As their lips collided together, Dan felt like he was walking on air. It was magic, the way his lips connected with Phil's. Phil's mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than Dan could have ever imagined.

He felt that lust he saw in Phil's eyes moments ago.

Then, not a second later Dan took hold of Phil's bottom lip with his teeth gently biting down. He giggled at Phil's facial astonishment, eyes lighting up in want.

What seemed like years of kissing, Phil lowered his lips to Dan's jaw. Somehow, he knew that once he kissed Dan's neck his resistance would crumble. After just a few delicate touches of Phil's lips, Dan's head swims, all previous thoughts stopped in their tracks. Now there is only one desire, one wish, and they both know it's just a matter of time before it happens.

Unexpectedly, Dan tore away and climbed over the center part of the race car adjusting himself on Phil's lap.

With no complaints, Phil pulled Dan closer, using his hands to softly cup Dan's cheeks. The smaller boy's fingers danced around Phil's bare chest, his eyes went puppy dog as he looked down at Phil.

Realization hit Dan in the back of his head like a ton of bricks. As his hands and gaze danced over Phil's six-pack he felt all of a sudden hesitant—scared even.

Dan was a virgin.

Phil lifted Dan's chin so their gaze matched together. Phil's eyes wondering over the smaller boy's frame. "You okay, princess?" He huskily whispered, carving heart-shaped goosebumps to scatter across Dan's arms.

Dan looked up and nodded, though he feared he would somehow mess this experience up.

He didn't know how to do anything and—unlike most teenagers—he's attempted to touch himself though seemed to never enjoy it; he was actually very innocent considering his age. And because of this, he felt the fear ride in him.

"I-I..." He stuttered trying to keep his shaky look connected with Phil's. "Ph-Phil I—"

Phil gently tugged Dan closer, holding his waist securely. "Take your time baby. Breathe."

Phil unraveled the cheerleader like a ball of yarn. You wouldn't ever think to see Dan nervous over something like sex—but he was absolutely petrified.

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