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Dan's phone started singing loudly and he sat up from lying quietly on his pillow. Lazily, he shifted around his heavy duvet for his cotton-candy cased phone.

Each ring that went off, Dodie paced back and forward behind a huge crowd of people.

Dan took in a deep breath letting it out in a yawn and answered Dodie's frantic call. "Dan—holy fucking shit!"

Dan creased his forehead, allowing his lips to fall forward and drip out confusing words. "Dods? Is everything—"

"Dan get your ass here now!" She screamed standing on her tippy-toes to see over the circle of interested high schoolers.

Dan jerked up from his bed, bringing his manicure to his teeth. "What's wrong?"

"Phil and PJ are scrapping, and they're not stopping for shit, only you can get into the middle of them. They're not listening to anyone else," Dodie presses her free hand to her other ear in order to hear Dan's response over everyone screaming. "Get here I'll send you my location!"

Dan instantly hung up and pried into his dresser yanking off his short-shorts and throwing on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans along with white tenny-shoes. He gripped onto his iPhone throwing open his bedroom door jolting down the stairs at full force.

His mom's hair fell down to her shoulders as she gently tilted her head to see her son rushing somewhere. "Daniel? Honey why are you in such a rush—"

Swiftly, he grabbed his keys from the vintage floral bowl they were slouching in. "Phil! Peej!" Was all he said as he hastily fled from the house. He ran straight across his fresh green grass, feeling the blades slice across his free ankles.

He felt his heart race and his breathing pick up in a slight panic attack. His being trembled while he pushed down on the brake and pressed the button to start his engine. He gripped two hands around the steering wheel of his car throwing his head behind his shoulder to check if anything was behind him.

The coast was clear and he zipped off making sure to keep himself steady.




His mind couldn't take it! What if they killed one another? Or if they end up on the brink of death. How will they explain themselves?

This whole thing meant Dan would have to choose sides.

Dan brought his sleeve to his eye, quickly wiping away a tear or sweat over the adrenaline. He pulled his phone out, following Dodie's map to an alleyway unheard of.

After 5 to 8 minutes of driving in dread and alarm; he made it to an entrance to the middle of 2 random abandoned buildings. The day started to set which only made the growing harrowing chants of teens more frightening. Though, Dan darted down the red brick corridor following each scream, feeling the raindrops of salty tears start in the corner of his eyes.

"You think you're tough?! Dan means everything to me and you're not breaking him!" PJ's voice screeched. "I won't let you."

Dan flat out ran into Dodie and she tied her hands around his skinny arms. "Hurry! They're both in the middle!" She pushed Dan through the horde of sweaty girls and boys.

"Gee, and who was the one who threw him to the floor?"

"I was drunk! Please, Phil, we all know you're merely using him!"

Phil wiped the blood from his face, the ache clicking across his entire body. "You're just jealous that you don't get him all to your friend-zoned ass—"

Dan used everything to shove finally making his way to the front. He threw himself into the middle of the fight just before PJ went to throw his fist; Phil instantly wrapped his arms around Dan, shielding him from Peej.

"Stop!! Please! Stop!" Dan blubbered into Phil's chest, grabbing fistfuls of his blood-soaked cotton tee. He hid his head into Phil shedding into scared tears.

Phil took the advantage of wrapping his arms tight around Dan's small form and glared at PJ over Dan's oblivion; smirking with a hellish type of cockiness.

Peej gritted his teeth, grunting loudly as Dan pulled away gulping.

"You okay?" Phil asked quietly watching Dan bite his bottom lip and nod.

"You—" Dan pushed away wiping his face as everyone stared; awestruck. "You guys both need to stop this shit! I'm sick of it. If you both actually love me, you wouldn't be doing this kind of stuff," he shifted his look at Phil. "especially behind my back."

Phil glanced at the floor, kicking a rock and shaking his head. "The prick thinks I'm using you."

"He's a player Dan! You're better than dating Phil Lester—"

Dan pushes his soft palms to his ears trying to muffle PJ's sound then screams to cut them both off. "What is with this Rydell versus Clearwater shit! Rydell students are the same as us PJ," He stared at the crowd, stomping his foot into the now red liquid stained concrete. Who knows who's DNA was seeping into the cracks of the cement. "Just because we have a different mascot it shouldn't mean that you guys have to rip each other's throats out."

Phil blinked, pressing his thumb into his swollen lip squinting at it.

"Now can everyone go home?!" Dan asked looking at everyone who surrounded.

Soon after that, the crowd dispersed, and Dan turned back to look at the two.

Both of them surveyed their eyes down, looking like guilt-ridden puppies. Though Dan wanted everything to help clean themselves off, he stepped forward; his optics turning glassy. "I thought better of both of you," He shook his head. "Apparently, you both don't realize how much I love you," he paused to lick his lips. "Because if you did, you guys would have thought this out and realized that in the end it would have only hurt me."

He shook his head one last time and flipped on his heel only to be met up with Dodie who instantly started comforting him as they walked back to his Jeep.

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