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Dan slowly moved his gaze to Phil's veiny hands that clenched around the steering wheel. You could still see the anger pulsing in his forehead. His jaw clenched together as he glared at the road as if the gravel did him wrong.

Dan's eyebrows creased as he looked back at his lap. "I'm—"

"Don't apologize for that perverted bastard," Phil closed his eyes realizing his tone. He breathed through is mouth opening his eyes again. "Just talk...so I don't turn around."

Dan swallowed, then shrugged. "Do little birdies call you to come to my rescue...or is it fate, sir knight Philip?"

He laughed, bending forward to click on his blinker. "The birdies, of course," he glanced in Dan's direction keeping a smile on his lips. "What kind of knight would I be without my birdies to call when my prince is in need of saving?"

Dan's eyes rolled around his head as he crossed his arms. "I'm not your prince," he muttered hotly under his breath. He shifted in his seat looking out the window. "For the record, birdies are for princes and princesses, not knights—"

"Yes but, when a prince is in danger, who alerts the knight?"

Dan blinked, pressing his lips into a slight frown. "The fairies."

Phil snickered, minorly shaking his head. "You always have to be right, don't you?"

Dan tipped his head towards him putting up his hands. "Well, so do you."

"Then our fights will never end."

"Unless you give up?" Dan grinned.

Phil scrunched up his face, humming. "Never."

Dan giggled letting out a long sigh. His sight scanned over the scenery of his street. He thought to himself as they inched closer to his home. Phil was, bearable? Why is everyone so hyped up about him? He's an asshole, but he wasn't a bad guy, per se.

"Gotta tell me which one, sweets."

Dan looked up from twiddling his thumbs quickly shifting his head towards the window. "Oh, um blue roof, white trim, silver gate," he smiled, then it dropped. He swiftly looked over at Phil, casing his figure for a slight bit. His mind trying to jumble out words as he left a gap between his lips.

Phil's mouth lifted up on one side as he looked at Dan through his peripheral vision. "Like what you see?"

Dan still kept his eyes glued ignoring Phil's fluttery gesture, till he took in a deep breath. "What're you doing?"

Phil glances over again as he slowly pulled into  Dan's driveway. "Dropping you off—?"

"No," Dan huffed, his head moving from side to side. "No, why're you—are you trying to have sex with me?"

Phil tilted his head back, letting out a laugh. "You're kidding, right?"

Dan looked forward, then slumped in his seat. His eyes stray over every inch of Phil's dashboard. "Everyone's saying to stay away from you, to beware! For god will hang me by my neck if I come near you," Dan threw his hands in the air, raising his voice just a little. "But you're cool and it's hurting my brain!"

Phil let a smile grow like weeds on his cheeks. He slowly leaned forward the center console, erasing centimeters at a time from the space between their lips. His two blue eyes of fire setting off matches in Dan's soul. "You're cute."

Dan burst from his seat slamming his hands into his head. "All I get is you're cute!? Are you messing with me?! 'Cause if you are I've got friends that will mess your pretty face up, Lester."

Phil just looked down at his lap laughing, squeezing his eyes tight trying to conceal tears.

Dan hastily unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door, twisting his legs out of the car.

Phil laid the back of his head against his seat, swiftly stopping his giggle fest. "Aww, my prince don't be mad!"

Dan was a fiery ball of anger as he stomped his way from the car towards his gate.


He whipped around, at the sound of Phil's voice. "What?" He snapped.

He leaned forward, resting his left forearm on the wheel. He closed his eyes then opened them again. "I'm not...playing with you, alright?" He moved his arm clasping his hand on the back of his neck rubbing it. "I actually... think you're cute."

Dan took in an icy sharp breath, that answer; unexpected. "Seriously? Because," he paused creasing his eyebrows. "I-I'm—I won't have sex with you."

Phil placed a hand over his heart. "I'm crushed," he said smiling, making Dan cock his jaw and turn around. "Let me take you out."

Dan's eyes widened. "What?" he asks, neck craning to Phil's voice.

"Let me take you out, on a date. Let me prove all your friends wrong, yeah?"

Dan stares at him for a solid 10 seconds then threw his head back laughing. He twisted his mouth, still giggling. "No."

Phil gulped, somewhat hurt but he then chuckled it off. "What?"

"You—You can't take me out. You're not allowed to like me."

Phil licked his lips shaking his head. "I'm not..." He grinned. "I'm not allowed to like you, bub?" He shifted in his seat. "You weren't thinking like this that night after the party."

Dan tugged on the bottom of his skirt, swallowing harshly. "I was—" Dan glanced up at his no trespassing sign then smiled. "I was rebelling."

Phil giggled. "Mhm, such rebellion. What do I gotta do to make you trust me?"

Dan looked up from the floor, a grin on his face. "Pick me up from school."

Phil's eyebrows creased. "Seriously?"

Dan intertwined his fingers. "Show up after school tomorrow, bring me home and I'll go on a date with you."

"That's it? Pick you up from school is the price for a date?"

Dan gave a happy grimace. "Well, considering tonight's football game, no Clearwater is going to be happy a Rydell player is on their turf after scurrying off the field unable to win the game," Dan tapped his chin the shrugged. "Though I might be wrong, Rydell most likely lost anyway."

Phil sucked in through his teeth, nodding. "I think I need to stop underestimating your brain, Howell."

Dan pursed his lips, rolling his eyes. "See ya' later babe," he called turning into his house, his skirt bouncing with his step.

"And we didn't most likely lose!"

Dan flicks his wrist. "Whateva' you say!"

Phil watched as the boy purposely strutted to his house. He finally was able to tear his gaze away from him and towards his steering wheel. He tapped the wheel a few times, smiling triumphantly as he popped his gear and twisted his neck to back up.

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