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"Why didn't you ever mention your dad?" Phil asked, his voice coming out in a soft whisper.

Dan pulled away from being centimetres away from Phil's lips. The wind blew gently against his candy-sweet features as they both laid on a knitted blanket that hovered above clean-cut grass. "It's not exactly the easiest topic for someone to bring up."

Phil nodded quietly, his lips parting gently. "Did you not trust me enough before—"

"No," Dan cut in shaking his head with a grin. "No, it wasn't about trust," he paused. "I wanted you to be the only person who didn't pity me with the dead dad card," he breathed."everyone does, it's an excuse and I'm tired of thinking of my dad that way."

Phil rested on his elbow propping himself up. He reached out and delicately brushed a curl behind Dan's ear making him smile.

Dan giggled shaking his head. "I remember him splitting PJ and me apart when we fought as little kids and I picture him in his painting room listening to Jazz and him praising God when mom made lasagna and how proud he was when I gave him my first painting."

Phil chuckled along with Dan, grinning from ear to ear.

"And when you told me you would get his blessing later I was stunned, I wanted to tell you he was dead but I liked knowing that if I came to you—you wouldn't blame it on him."

"I want to know everything about you," Phil mumbled, the grassy patch under them poking at his jeans. "I wanna be the walking dictionary of Dan Howell."

Dan snickered, rolling his eyes. "Then I want to be the walking dictionary of Phil Lester." Slowly, he leans in but before their lips can even touch Phil presses a fingerprint to Dan's mouth.

"But before I can do any of that, I still need your father's blessing." Phil looked out at the cemetery before them.

Dan blinked at the boy in front of him watching as Phil gets on one knee in front of the gravestone.

"Mister James Howell, will you do me the greatest honour—"

Dan bursts out laughing behind Phil cutting him off. "Oh, shut up!"

Phil shushes him placing a hand on the stone engraved with James's name. "Mister Howell would you please bless me with the honour of dating your utmost gorgeous, beautiful, creative—"

"You're milking it, you idiot!"

Phil turns his head holding out his hands to speak over Dan's laughter. "Your gorgeous, beautiful, creative intelligent son that will forever hold my heart in his hands."

"He says no."

Phil leans in with and hands cupping his ear and nods with the stone. "He actually said yes and he already wants me to call him dad."

"Is that what dad said now?"

Phil snickers with a nod stepping back towards Dan.

"I don't think he said that I mean PJ still calls him James."

"Oh shit, I'm kinda late to the dad's blessing party aren't I?"

Dan cackled as Phil tackles him closer to the ground. "Maybe a little bit but hey? Third times the charm?"

Phil leans in with a giggle so their foreheads rest against each other. "Third times the charm." With that, Dan pressed himself upwards, their kiss sparking fireworks inside that never seemed to get old.


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