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Playoffs; the final contest against both two teams to determine who is worthy for the championship of the year.

The day arrived, wanted for some unwanted for others.

"Hey?" Dan whispered his small voice cascading shivers down Phil's spine.

Phil looked over the vacated field in from of them, arms crossed leaning against the metal bars separating them from the one-hundred yards of grass.

Dan moves into Phil's view, the sun behind his golden features illuminated him. With one finger Dan moved Phil's chin towards him. "You okay?"

Phil's head dipped down into the side of Dan's neck, forcing a quick, needy hug as his arms snake around the smaller boy's waist. "Just tired."

Dan brought one hand up to Phil's head slowly dragging his fingers through Phil's hair, gently tugging on the tuffs located at the back of his nape. "Anything I can do?"

Phil just pulled Dan closer smiling into his neck. "Just let me hug you for a while."

Dan brought his arms in tighter, feeling his heart spark against the soft touch. "You nervous?"

Phil let out a breath slyly kissing Dan's exposed skin before answering. "No."

Dan let out a small giggle. "Why because you know you're gonna win?"

Phil shook his head into Dan's shoulder slightly pulling away. "No, because either way, I win tonight."

Dan furrowed his eyebrows with a smile. He reached and slowly placed his hands on his cheeks. "Elaborate, Lester."

"If I win the game," he paused using his strength to lift his cheerleader up onto the metal bars. "I get the triumphant high of a football player, running the open field as Rydell's favourite quarterback—but if your team wins," he said beginning to brush his fingers up and down. "I get to see your famous smile and excitement of beating me." He concluded leaning in a bit. "And that's enough of a boyfriend high I could take for a year."

Dan laughed, shaking his head. "You're so cute." He instantly pressed himself upwards into Phil. Phil kisses back instantly, feeling as though it was the last time. "What's wrong, though," Dan whispered against lips, opening his hunny-russet irises making sure to catch Phil's in the process.

Phil swallowed as Dan's lips slowly parted from his. He closed his eyes as if it hurt to speak. The swift flash of Jason and Felix made it to the front of his vision. "That freak, at that game that one time."

Dan tapped his chin then instantly nodded, adjusting himself. "Jason? The literal definition of asshole what—"

"You never—You never told me, about you and him."

"Take me home, Jason," Dan muttered, his voice beginning to boil coming harsh like fire. "I want to go home."

Jason looked over at his boyfriend with a smirk on his lips then a small chuckle. "You're serious?" He breathed through his nose, eyes slacking then flicked on something distorted. The car that he was conducting came to a brutal stop in the middle of the road.

Dan's head snapped forward and thankfully his seatbelt restrained him from hitting his forehead on the compartment. He swiftly looked over at Jason, his left hand going to his thumping heart. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Jason places an elbow on his steering wheel not bothering to move the car. "That's it? We're done, after all this?" He then frantically shook his head. "I can't believe you're doing this to me—"

Dan instantly twisted his look watching as honking cars and trucks would fly past them nearly hitting them. "Holy shit! Jason are you serious? Get out of the fucking road!"

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