Chapter 5

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-No ones POV-

Leah let out a loud sigh and slid down the wall next to Jay's unconscious body. The two girls just finished wrapping his wounds.

"So what now?" Abby asked as silence over took the friends.

"Wait till he wakes up?"

"Or we could search the store for supplies." Abby stated the obvious.

"Oh yeah we could do that..." Leah was clearly tired, but Abby didn't mention it as they began to grab some supplies. As Abby walked behind the counter to see what all they had left she froze. A low moan came from in front of her and she reached for her bow. The moan came again and she saw it. One of those creatures were trapped under a couple shelves. A shelf was stuck in his back and it's legs were missing. Great, now the girls were going to find two bloodied legs around here.

Not wanting to waste any arrows, Abby crouched down infront of the, once human, creature and pulled out the crowbar she had found. She kept it strapped to her side incase they'd need it again.

Lifting it up high in the air above the creature's head, she looked away and closed her eyes. Flinging the crowbar down she heard the squish noise that notified her the crowbar had gone through the thing's head. Did that do the task? Did it die? Abby opened one eye to see if her questions were answered. It stopped moving and making noise, that's for sure. Black gooey blood slowly seeped out around the wound where the crowbar was jammed into. It's eyes were open and staring at absolutly nothing. It was dead. The corner of the brunette's lips went up slightly, she was proud of herself for being able to do that without puking or anything.

"Hey Abby!" Abby jumped slightly at how loud her friend was being. She stood up and looked over the counter to see her blonde haired friend's arm sticking out above the shelves of the store. It was holding something. Soon Leah's head appeared over the shelf as well.

"I found muffins~! <3" Leah squeaked out in joy. Abby could now clearly see that what Leah was holding was a muffin wrapped up in plastic.

"You're still obbessed with muffins even through this chaos?!" Abby said a little louder then she intended. Leah absolutely loved muffins. She brought one everyday to school and was seen with one all the time outside of school.

"Of course! There is always time for muffins." Leah said matter-of-factly and pursed her lips.

"You have... SO many issues.." Abby sighed and facepalmed. She tried to surpress her smile but couldn't. Her friend was too goofy even during the apocalypse.

-Leah's POV-

I found so many unopened muffins on this shelf that it's uncanny. Eh, who cares? I got free muffins! I went to grab more but I stopped. How was I supposed to carry these? I sighed and looked around. It was too dark to see anything immediantely. I sighed yet again and walked through the pharmacy. Maybe they had some kind 'o bag 'round here? I looked at the front of the store and noticed an object on the ground.

"Is that a bag..?" I mumbled out loud to myself and walked towards it. I picked it up. and noticed how heavy it was and that it smelled awful. "The hell is this thing?" I turned it over a few times and froze. I squeeked, quickly threw it on the ground where I found it, and stumbled over to the wall. I doubled over, that THING IS DISGUSTING!

I heard foot steps come from the counter. Either Abby heard me throw the disgusting thing or I accidently voiced my thoughts.

"What happened? What was that noise? Are you okay? What's disgusting?" Okay, maybe both.

I shakily raised my arm and pointed at the thing. Abby raised an eyebrow and went towards it. She was smarter than what I did and only went near it. "Is that.. a raccoon?" She questioned and looked back at me.

"YES! And it's a disgusting little fricker! Ew, I frickin' touched the thing!" I ranted on for a bit longer and using some very lude words, but hey that thing is disgusting and dead and I touched it! So it's not my fault.

Abby shook her head and walked back behind the counter.

With the taste of throwup in my mouth I lost all appetite I may have had before. Comeon can't a girl just find a bag without something bad happening?

I walked over to the other side of the store, I'm most defiantly going to avoid that corner of the pharmacy the rest of the time that we're here. I began to whistle "Carry On My Wayward Son" by Kansas as I continued to search for a frickin' bag.

"I swear I'm going to kill you if you don't stop.." Abby grumbled from behind the counter. Is that a challenge? Oh well, I took it as one. I started whistling louder.

Apparently she had enough when she threw a pill bottle at my face.

I walked around another isle when I froze. A dead body was laying there, it's head was missing and it's stomach was torn open. Even through the mess of intestines and blood it was noticeably female. I scrunched up my face as soon as the disgusting smell of rotting flesh hit my nose. I relaxed after a moment, I've seen enough chaos to be used to this already.

Just as I was going to turn away I stopped, next to her was a black satchel. Ooooohh I'm so gonna regret this...

I tiptoed around the bloody mess, careful not to step in anything or slip. I crouched down next to her poor dismantled body and grabbed the satchel. Standing up I carefully tiptoed back with a smirk on my face. I finally got a bag!

Feeling useful and successful I stepped back and looked at the bag. It was all black with three big white on-air microphones. It kinda reminds me of.... some... bag.... did I own one like this...? Maybe not, eh, I think I'm going insane so this is normal, right? Probably. now I'm asking myself questions... greeeaaaat.

I slung the mic satchel over my shoulder and across my chest and I went back over to the muffins. I stuffed as many as I could into my bag and looked around for anymore food that may have been left behind from the last people. I stopped I front of another shelf and smiled.


"SHUT UP LEAH!" That wasn't Abby...


Oki so I know I haven't updated this story in forever. Let me just say I have no excuse for my laziness. so I apologize m8s.

On another note, I hope you guys enjoy this chappie~!

~Lele <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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