Broken Dreams. (Eminem Fan Fiction)

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Alexis Jane Darcie

After my loud,angry groan I dropped my head onto the hard surface of the table,my tangled hair flying in different directions as I did so.My eyes scanned over the flimsy pieces of paper around me,a pained expression coming over my empty eyes.As I looked at the files lying around my kitchen table I felt helpless and hopeless.Being dropped from a lable wasn't the best thing to deal with,especially when your career had just started to blossom even more.If I didn't explain myself properly people would start to think that I was dropped because of all the wrong reasons which in fact,is what happened.

"Your image is no good for this lable!"I could still hear the tall,gruff man shout sternly.

What did he really expect from me,rapping about flowers and colourful butterflies?Five years ago,when I was only twenty,the lable had signed me,taking a daring risk to sign their first and only rapper.As time went on my fanbase and fame continued to grow and grow,leaving the pop singers and and unknown rock bands signed to the lable even more Unnoticed.Being the only rapper signed to the lable definitely grabbed everyone's attention, but being the only rapper meant that I was the only one with the 'badass' image if you call it.The other members of the lable had their squeaky clean images and songs suitable for anyone over two years of age.

"You really think my career would last,Dave?I know I have my fans but other lables might think I'm some kind of rebel"I said and pulled another paper to my side,signing and slipping it into the file.

"You have more fans than most rappers out there,Lex.Your last lable just had too many lame people signed to it"He said and chuckled to himself,"Imagine how great it would be if I get you signed to a lable with only rappers"

"You mean like..Young Money?"I asked and furrowed my eyebrows at the strange thought.

Dave shot me an odd look,chuckled to himself and grasped another file in his large hands,"Not Young Money,Lex.You don't worry about this okay.I'll help you out with everything".

A few minutes after we finished signing the countless papers sent in by the lable,Dave left after giving his words of encouragement and a final hug.I locked the door,shut the windows in my lonely,quiet house and jumped onto my large bed,alone.The only sound other than my quiet breathing was the light shower of rain outside.Silent and lonely times like this reminded me that it was going to be YEARS until I had a husband and children to live together with.No matter how much my mother asked for a son-in-law,she wasn't getting one anytime soon.

My eyes shot open when I heard the phone ring and I lazily reached to the side,grasping the phone and slowly pulling it to my ear.

"Hello?"My voice came out almost as dead as I looked.

"Hey,Lex.Did. Wake you up?"My best friend,Cathy,asked.

"Yeah,kinda.I know it's early but I was signing papers all day with Dave"I said groggily and dropped my head back onto the soft pillows.

"Aww I'm sorry,but why were you signing papers?"

"The frickin lable sent them over for me to sign"I said and rubbed my red eyes,"Anyway,how come you're calling?"

"Well since we know you've been so down lately the girls and I decided we should all go out for lunch tomorrow at Ramone at around twelve.Come on Lex,it'll cheer you up"

"Fine I'll see you there,Cathy.Good night"

I disconnected the conversation and curled up in the warm sheets,my thin body drowning beneath the material.Before I finally closed my eyes and went into dream land my mind drifted to my career.I had the best fans in the world,the most supportive friends and even though my parents' had issues pouring out of their asses,they were there for me too.Not to mention Dave,he was the one that had boosted my career in the first place.The only other thing I needed was a damn lable for support.The music business was much harder than it seemed to be.

My eyes widened and I instantly dropped my spoon into the bowl of cereal when I caught sight of the clock which read,'11:00'.I quickly finished my breakfast and dropped the bowl into the sink,gulping down my orange juice and doing the same with the now empty glass.My skinny legs rushed up the long staircase and I rushed into my room,remember that I had an hour until I had to meet my close friends at the restaraunt.Knowing that there would be traffic made me get ready even faster.

After throwing the fastets outfit that I couod find I was seated in my car and off to the restaraunt.When I did reach there my eyes scanned over everyone seated,looking for the person that I knew would be there first,Cathy.There she was,seated beside Kylie and scanning through a magazine like always.

"Hey,Lex.You okay?"Kylie asked and stood up,pulling me into a hug and groaning as she saw the flash of a camera.

"Yeah I'm fine I guess.Everything's just beem hectic these days.Where are Jenna and Amber?"

"They're gonna be here in a minute ow two"Cathy said softly,shrugging her shoulders and scanning the flimsy pages of the magazine.

"Speaking of the devils..."Kylie muttered,nodding her head towards the entrance of the quiet restaraunt.

My eyes darted towards the door and I squinted my eyes,mostly because the shine of the huge diamond ring on Amber's finger was botherng me.The two girls strolled in,shades blocking their eyes and their feet clad in high,designer shoes like always.As usual,the most expensice purses were hanging from their skinny shoulders and bright,red lipstick was caked onto their lips.That's Jenna and Amber for you,always trying to shine brighter than the damn sun itself.

"Sorry we took so long,girls"Amber said and removed her fancy shades,"Jenna and I just came back from shopping"

"That's fine.I still can't believe that you're engaged Amber!"Kylie cooed,clapping her hands together in excitement.

"Yeah neither can I.But,you know.My boyfriend's such an amazing guy!What about you,Alexis?Are you seeing anyone special?"Amber asked,a bitchy smirk hanging at the end of her lips.

I pursed my lips in a tight line as I looked at Amber and then took a sip of my drink,trying to consume times as I did so.

"Why do you ask?".This girl really didn't give a damn if I had a boyfriend or not,she was just eager to know everything that went on in a famous person's life.

"I don't know.It's just that you have so many fans,especially male one and yet you don't have any special man in your life.You even have all these famos friends"

"I don't need to get a boyfriend,Amber.It's not like I need to use an innocent man for money like some people do"I spoke,smirking at Amber right after I did.

Why did everyone insist on me getting a boyfriend?Of course I wanted one,but I knew it would turn into a disaster like the last ones.I've had enough of silly,young boys putting down my self esteem and shouting at me shamelessly.

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