Chapter Six

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It was a little past eight,the sunlight had been replaced by the gloomy shine of the moon and this certain part of Detroit was peaceful,except for the building in which my friends were shooting their newest music video.People were hustling around,adjusting their expensive cameras,setting up the various scenes and trying their best to get a good shot of the four men who were too hyper to stay stagnant for a little while.It all reminded me of my own music videos and the ones that I had helped direct with my knowledge.

Instead of planting my lazy behind onto the chair beside Dave the entire time I rose to my feet and was now standing beside the director,assisting like Ryan had asked me to on behalf of him and the other members of Slaughterhouse.Eminem,or Marshall as everyone was calling him by,had just walked out the door,phone pressed to his ear and a slightly weary expression on his face.I hadn't even gotten the chance to stir up a conversation with him before he was wisked away to continue monitoring what the main people of the video shoot were doing.

Dave had chosen to leave several minutes before,mainly because his wife politely requested his presence for dinner with her,their two children and in-laws.She pleaded that I join them for dinner when she came to pick up Dave,claiming that I needed a break from the hectic music industry,but I unwillingly declined and promised that I would gladly join them another time.Unfortunately I had work to do.That and I enjoyed watching the Blue-eyed,handsome man from afar.

It was particularly odd that roughly fifteen minutes after Dave's departure his name projected across the screen of my cellphone and signalled my incoming call.When the loud ringing errupted from my cellphone unprofessionally I excused myself from the building and sat on the concrete step outside,trying my best to make myself at least a little comfortable.

"Worrying about me already?"I joked wearily,pressing my fimgers to my eyes in order to somehow delay the sleepiness.

Not a soul,from what I could see,was outside the small building.I could hear the sound errupting from the speakers inside.Other than that the people of the few houses lined up across the narrow street seemed to be asleep,out of the neighbourhood or silent inside their peaceful homes.

"I won't be able to sleep without telling you this news,Alexis"Dave sighed,ignoring the joke that I had made earlier.

His comment had both caught me off guard and stirred a feeling of worry within me.Here I went again,worrying for no apparant reason.It was an irritating,stressful habit of mine.

"Just spit it out,Dave.I bet it's not even that bad"

I thought I heard him faintly mutter "You have no idea" on the other side of the phone.

"I'm warning you though.It has to do with Thomas"

"Then I don't want to fucking hear it".I hadn't even intended for the rude words to tumble out of my mouth.The thought of the man just sparked something within me,most likely a pit of pure hatred.

"There's no damn way I could keep this from you,Alexis.It's better if I just share it with you"

"Did he tell the media something?"I panicked,remembering the time he falsely announced to the media that I was pregnant with his baby.

"No,but he set on showing them something.I need to you answer something for me"He spoke softly and sighed into the phone.

"Did you or did you not film a sex tape with Thomas?"

What the fuck was this idiot up to now?

Feeling the sudden urge to slam my feet against the rock beside me and send it flying through the air I gripped the edge of the step,resisting the temptation to rise to my feet.

Just like that,though the delusional man wasn't even around me,a pit of anger sparked once again and I passed my hand through my straightened hair in order to calm myself.Out of all the excuses that could be made,all the accusations that his small brain could create a sex tape had come to his mind.

"I never did such a thing"I said through gritted teeth,"What did the idiot tell you,Dave?"

"He sent me an e-mail with a thumnail of you and him lying in bed,half naked and kissing.He made it pretty clear in his note that it was a sex tape,Alexis"

Nervously I racked my brain,still no memories of a sex tape popping up anywhere.

"Maybe if he hadn't forced you into the drugs too you would have remembered"He spoke in a stressed tone for what seemed like the hundreth time.

That was all I needed to hear to convince myself that there was a high possibility that it was me in tha sex tape,not someone else who had a hectic career already at risk.Of course I wouldn't remember it if I had been on drugs at the time.I barely remembered anything.

The images of a fragile girl came into my mind,her hair messy and warm tears spilling down her cheeks.Her wrists were shaking,covered in scars and leaking of blood.It was all too overwhelming,the memories of me standing in front of the mirror and staring straight,pointing out every flaw.It was always something that I did after Dave pushed me around,shamelessly admitting that he found me of such little worth.

"This could really ruin your career,Alexis.You've already been dropped form the lable"

"I-I don't even remember anything,Dave.I swear"

"Why did you even stick around with this boy anyway?He always pushed you around,so much that he even filmed a scandalous video wothout you remembering"

"It's not my fault,Dave!"I whined,too broken by the memories to carry on.

"Who the hell was I supposed to go by if I left him?Derrick didn't even want me to be around him and Damen anymore"

"I just need to forget about this for a while and calm down"He spoke,stressed and worried,"I'll forward the e-mail to you"

Right after his last statement the phonecall was disconnected and I stared at the floor,completely unaware of what to do.Without even thinking I entered the building once more and spotted Ryan.

"I need to leave Ryan"I said softly,burrying my hands in the pockets of the jacket,not wanting to interract with anybody.

"I really wanted to introduce you to someone,Lex.Are you sure you need to leave now?"

"I-I need to go"I said,turning on my heels and hurredly leaving the building.

Within seconds I was secured in my car and I pulled off,my speed limit increasing every now and then.My driving had been reckless and angry as I made my way closer towards my house and finally pulled up in the driveway speedily,my car making an irritating,loud screeching noise.

My legs trudged up the stairs and I pulled my laptop from out of the bedside drawer,immediately switching it on and entering the password for my e-mail adress to be accessed.

Finding the latest video that had been sent to me I clicked on it,waiting impatiently as it started.

The video just carried on and I sat there,my mouth gaping as I stared in disgust at the video,the fake wall of strength that I showed to everyone else slowly breaking down.What I saw caused me to shut my eyes,wondering if I was having a disturbing nightmare or still living in reality where everyone would judge me for being a part of the racy video.

It was obvious that it was me in the video.It was evident that I had absolutely no idea that a camera was capturing my every move,the angle of the camera alone made it clear.

My heart almost stopped when I read Thomas' words,"There's more".

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