Chapter Two

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"Get your ass out of bed,Lex!I made breakfast for you!"My loving yet blatant best friend shouted from downstairs,her booming voice being heard even from my large bedroom.

My eyes shot open as I heard Cathy's 'sweet' call for me to remove myself from my comfortable bed and so I did,knowing very well that she would have dashed up the staircase and do it all by herself.I'd had so many episodes with Cathy in the past,including several scenarios where she had tried the sillest and oddest things to get me out of the bed.I had more than a fair share of unexpected water showers,irritating alarm clocks,ear piercing screams and body shaking from my sweet best friend.She should have gotten it straight by now,though.I never,and I mean never,liked to be disturbed from my peaceful sleeps and fascinating dreams.My dreams that happened to make barely any sense at all but hey,they amused me.

I trudged miserably towards the toilet in my bedroom,all the while wiping my tired eyes and tracing my fingers along the dark circles under them.A look of pure terror crossed my face as I stared into the mirror and cringed at the unattractive reflection.My eyes looked emptier than ever,no emotions being shown and my cheeks drooped slightly,a smile no where in sight.To make things even worse my hair was parted in different directions and the thought of brushing through the tangles alone made me worried.My lips parted in shock when I saw the small blue bruise on my forhead.I knew exactly why that bruise was there,Cathy had the oddest habit of tossing and turning in her sleep.My pity goes out to her future husband,bruises every night for him.

My eyes widened when I heard Cathy's footsteps coming up the staircase and I rushed to lock the bathroom door,protecting myself from the beast.Hurredly I brushed my teeth,attempted to sooth the tangles from my long hair and washed my face,not once hearing a sound escape from Cathy's loud mouth.I rushed around the bathroom,picking up the dirty laundry and picking up the products lying around on the tiled floor.A satisfied smile formed on my lips when I looked around the room to see how organised it looked.Neat freak?Kinda.

Calmy I unlocked the door and brought my eyes up to a normal level,my body jerking back in shock as I caught sight of Cathy standing there,an innocent smile on her pretty face.

"What the hell,Cathy?You scared me there"I said,resting my right hand over my chest.

"You're so weird,Lex.Come on,let's go eat some eggs!"She quealed and took hold of my left hand,pulling me toward the staircase.

Cathy Nash was just a bag full of surprises.You never know what could happen when someone with such a weird way of thinking,like Cathy,was around.That's the main reasons why I walked slowly down the steps,making sure to hold onto the rail.At any moment Cathy could have pushed me down the staircase and yelled,"Wake up,bitch!".She was just that weird.

"Okay so I made bacon,eggs and you're favourite,waffles,for you"She said with a smile and pushed the plate towards me,"Oh and I poured a glass of orange juice too"

"So..what's this all for?"I asked curiously,my stare on her and my eyebrow raised slightly.

"So I can't just be a great friend and make you breakfast?"

I raised my eyebrow even higher and pursed my lips tightly,an expression that I often used on Cathy when I was demanding to know the truth.

"Okay fine"She said and shrugged her skinny shoulders,"I just wanted to cheer you up because you seemed to sad yesterday.This music thing is really bothering you"

"That's fine,Cath.I appreciate that you care but I'm fine,everything's okay"I said and groaned in joy as I bit into the delicious waffle.

We both knew that I was going back to worrying after eating the mouth watering waffle.Food could only distract me for that long.

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