some fries, motherfucker.

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What can you say? Aizawa really was your homeboy.

After almost making your new classmates piss themselves, the room exploded in excited and shocked yells.

The screams of your friends, their eyes bulging and faces red almost made you piss yourself.

Aizawa, help.

You mentally pleaded, glancing at the tall man beside you.

With one glare at his class, all the students were silenced. You weren't sure whether it was because he felt pity for you, or whether it was because he was getting a headache.

Probably a mix of both.

With a relieved sigh, you edged round your eager classmates and plopped into the empty seat between a shell-shocked Midoriya and a smiling Momo.

Aizawa spoke, catching the attention of your new classmates.

"Since you all know (L/n), I don't need to have introductions all round. That's boring and a waste of time." He announced.

"But I'm tired. So you can all go around or whatever, as long as you're quiet."

As he said those words, he pulled out a yellow sleeping bag (where did that come from) and zipped it up as he slid to the ground, immediately snoring.

Aizawa, I take back what I said about you being my homeboy. You traitor-

You couldn't even finish your thought before you were tackled by a red and yellow blur.

"(L/N!)" Two voices cried as arms wrapped around you.

Blinking up, (e/c) eyes met red and gold. You beamed up at the two boys who grinned back down at me.

"My favourite boys!" You squealed, wrapping your arms around the two males in return.

Kirishima and Kaminari grinned, sticking their tongues out at the classmates who stood behind them, some frowning at not being (y/n)'s favourite, while others were beaming at the prospect of their friend being part of 1-A.

You were soon torn from the grip of the two boys by a pair of pink hands.

"Why didn't you TELL ME?" Mina all but wailed, shaking you back and forth.

A burst of laughter escaped you as you steadied yourself, gripping her hands.

"I only got the letter a week or so ago! I thought it would be fun to suprise you." You admitted, sending a mischievous grin at the still-sobbing girl.

"Consider us surprised!" Another voice spoke and you turned to see a familiar brunette.

Your eyes lit up even more, if that was even possible.

"Ochacutie!" You sang, spinning towards her and enveloping her in a warm hug. (You missed Mina's jealous pout).

The brunette blushed at the nickname, "why do you keep calling me that?"

"Because it's true!" You said, cupping her squishy face in your hands. Her blush increased and she was left a mess as you moved onto your next classmate.

"Bakugo." You greeted, your classmates sweat dropping at the sudden change in your mood.

"(L/n)." He replied, glaring down at you as an icy atmosphere filling the room.

Before you both burst into huge cocky grins. Slapping your hands against his in some complicated handshake- did you just make that up? Who knows- you let out your brightest smile yet as he spoke.

"Of course you'd pull some shit like this. I should have fucking guessed. You were pretty shitty at being subtle." He commented.

"Yet you still didn't figure it out." You raised an eyebrow, "and you say you're the smart one."

"You ate gum off the floor and broke your arm in a fight when your quirk is literally made for protection."

"You know what? You got me there."




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my wig was snatched

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my wig was snatched

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