Chapter Eleven

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It been quiet throughout the day. Nothing but the cold welcomed Mona in this silver walled room. She wanted a hot bath and glass of hundred year old blood. Getting that here was most likely an irrational desire. Mona's body ached, needing blood. Staying awake through the day, drained her immensely.

The door opened, by one of the Fae guards. Shoes clicked the ground. In view, Mona snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Is that anyway to greet your Monarch?" The Monarch grinned, letting a mischievous smirk curve into the side of her lips. "And here I was, about to let you out."

"If letting me out, means letting me leave, then that seems lovely to me." Mona snide remark was ignored. Rolling her eyes, Mona shrugged accepting that she wouldn't be able to leave. There wasn't much to be excited about on Mona's end, so she didn't find the Monarch's smile rewarding. "What is the purpose of my capture?"

"I did not capture you. I requested your presence and my men took that very serious, being that, you would not come so willingly."

In Mona's book, taking someone against their will was the same as capturing. The Monarch clearly did not see those two things as the same. Mona scowled. "What do you want?" Mona leaned against the wall, taking in how the Monarch stood intolerant and contemptuous of her appearance.

She snapped her fingers. "Take her to finer chambers. When she is of standard, bring her to my dining hall." The Monarch twisted around, finished with Mona. She acted as if Mona's current conditions weren't good enough to be seen near her.


It took time for Mona to feel clean. She was offered a dress, makeup, and stilettos, to match her high end fashioned style. Mona's red hair was long and wavy, falling around her face. She missed the luxury of dressing up just because, and would relish in it while she could.

Walking into the dining hall, with a crystal chandelier dangling over the glass dining table, Mona inhaled as if having breath. There were glass lanterns lit in every corner of the room, a few large paintings, bringing further creativity. The chairs were marble with soft cushion padding to sit and rest her back against.

Mona eyes lingered on the glass of blood on the table. The Monarch walked out, wearing a gold gown, loosely on her body. She looked seductive in every way. The men and women in the room seemed at an aww by her appearance. Her hair was nicely pinned back. Thin lips covered, painted in red lipstick. She was beautiful.

When the Monarch sat, Mona did the same. They sat across the long ten foot dining table. The Monarch's eyes went up to Mona in a smile that was alluring. Older vampires were capable of seducing younger vampires. The Monarch had never tempted Mona before so it shocked her when her legs squeezed shut from the involuntary tug of pleasure. "Come closer," the Monarch ordered Mona softly.

Without control over her own body, Mona stood and moved to the seat next to the Monarch. Mona body goose bumped as if the cold suddenly affected her. Her nipples hardened through the dress she wore and when the Monarch's eyes arched and smiled seductively, Mona begged her mind to fight harder.

"Why must you deny what you want?" The Monarch reached for her glass of blood, breaking the hold she had over Mona. "We both know, you belong to a finer clan of vampires. Where you would be treated like royalty. You have a gift that many would see as treasure."

Mona ran her hand down her thigh, rubbing off the arousal she just lost. If she didn't learn to resist, the Monarch could ensnare her mind fully and make her do things as if she was sired under her. The Monarch was over five hundred years old and Mona was not even a century yet. "I am happy at Lucian manor."

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