Chapter Twenty

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Laying in bed, Mona opened her eyes to the soft lighting of candles. The curtains to the room was open, darkness filling the outside. Rebekah sit in a chair near the window, legs crossed. She held a glass of blood, in deep thought.

Something weighed heavy on Rebekah, like crates falling on her shoulder. Mona shifted and Rebekah eyes were now on her. They stared at another for a time. "What eats at you?" Mona asked softly. Only Rebekah could make her sound so affectionate.

"It is my duty to protect my vampires." Rebekah stood, placing glass at nightstand, walking to Mona. She sat next to Mona, reaching over to comb her fingers through her hair. "I sense trouble.

"How long have you been up?" Mona could now see exhaustion in Rebekah's eyes. Skin paler than normal. There was no need in an answer. Mona sat up, sliding one end of her shirt down, exposing her neck. "Feed from me."

Rebekah was about to protest but saw Mona's stern eyes. Instinct told Rebekah, Mona was not one to offer others to bite her. It was only through trust and a special bond. She should not dismiss it. Her eyes lurked at Mona's neck. "You sure?"

"If you feel trouble, you'll need your strength. Please." Mona didn't bother offering her wrist. Rebekah would want to put her mouth against her neck instead.

Leaning in, Rebekah kissed Mona's shoulder, grazing her lips against her flesh. Tongue flickered over Mona's neck and she bit in softly. Their was no pain, only desire and need. Need greater than blood. Mona felt the pull of blood leaving her body and Rebekah's lips. There was a moan. Mona wasn't sure who made the sound. Rebekah's arm stretched across Mona's waist gripping her thigh. She finished and kissed Mona's soft skin.

In a hushed tone, Rebekah spoke in her ear. "Thank you."

If Mona could flush, it would be obvious even a hundred feet away. Their eyes locked. Without expecting it, Rebekah rushed in for a tantalizing kiss. Her lips was over Mona's and provoking. She wanted Mona to let go and kiss her back without hesitation in her mind.

When Mona felt Rebekah's tongue in her mouth, she groaned and realized how much she wanted this. She'd never wanted this before or thought it possible. What she felt was overwhelming and scary.

Rebekah ended the kiss and cupped her cheek with the palm of her hand. "What is it? Truly?" She asked.

Lowering her head, Mona was afraid to say it aloud. This woman wanted her was willing to wait. She was also dangerous to love. Mona had her own bad ways. A foul mouth and short temper. But, there was still questions Rebekah had yet to answer. More than that, there was a deeper fear. Mona wanted to tell her the truth. Frowning, Mona opened up. "I'm afraid to love you."

This made Rebekah sit quietly, taking in her words. "Fair enough. I have been a thorn in your life far too long. I don't expect you to just forget what I've done,"

Mona shook her head. "No." She considered her words. "Its not about that." She hated this hidden truth. The one that kept her at a emotional distance with everyone since Lucian's death. Until Kaliska entered her life. But still, it was a fear she kept to herself. "I'm afraid of loving you...only to lose you later."

"And I feel the same way for you." Rebekah's eyes held a long history. "I have experienced. And, I have lost. I was someone else once. And then, life really tore me in half and I became someone else. And it started with loss. First my mater. Then, sister. Later, most my bloodline. Then my own life. From there I lost friends. Lovers. It made me hard. See things in a dark way. It is you, that I have let into my soul for the first time in over a century."

"And what about Lucian?" Mona asked. She knew Rebekah had tried to make him her blood bond.

Rebekah frowned, straightening her posture. For a moment, Mona thought she would say nothing. "Lucian." Her eyes studied off to a random direction. Rebekah was opening up about Lucian and Mona would listen to every word. "He and I...were friends once. Best friends," she smiled widely. "Blood siblings."

Mona's eyes widened.

Smiling, Rebekah knew she'd caught Mona off guard with that. "Not, through human DNA." She laughed. "We were turned by the same vampire. Sired together. He was turned nearly a century before me but when I came, he looked after me." Rebekah frowned. "Our Sire was a crude vampire. We escaped together and lived on the run." Rebekah frowned, speaking to much. "I offered your Sire a partnership. It was not about love. Not that kind of love. But, he chose love and Zara and that made me act bitterly. But, no matter what, I loved Lucian and saw him as the only friend I had. He never had reason to fear me."

"But, he should have," Mona said. It was clear by the fact that Rebekah trapped him somewhere. That should be enough to make Mona want to leave but she did not move.

"On his last awaken day, he trusted me, even then."

What did that mean? Mona wondered but said nothing, knowing it to be pointless. They stared at each other for a while, becoming distracted from a knock at the door.

By the look in Rebekah's eyes, Mona knew what she wanted now. Need to kiss her, made Mona bite her inner cheek. Rebekah groaned. "Come in, Cameron."

The double door opened, their eyes never turning away. Mona wanted Rebekah and she couldn't see how to turn off her brewing arousal. Cameron walked in, Mona and Rebekah still holding intense eye contact.

"What is it?" Rebekah muttered.

Cameron cleared her throat, trying to get some attention from her sire. "We have a visitor."

Quickly, Rebekah's head shot toward Cameron, frown forming. She was too deep into the Palace to sense who it was. She was also too distracted with Mona to notice anyone here.

"It is my sister," Mona said, putting on the rest of her clothes in unnatural speed. She had some anxiety in seeing Paulina but would give her chance to speak. Her temper was already surfacing but she needed to tone it down.

"Leave us," Rebekah blew out.

Cameron nodded and gave Mona a weak smile. Alone again, Mona turned to Rebekah with determination. "I will speak with her. No threats will come from you." She was giving Rebekah a demand.

Studying Mona, it took a few seconds before Rebekah bowed her head. "She is your sister," was all she said.


For the next day, Kaliska contemplated calling her friends. She needed to see them before things got to hectic. It became harder, keeping up with her old life. Her brother made good points. She needed to trust them. She could always wipe their memories if they did not handle news well. It wasn't a matter of trusting them. It was about accepting her new life. She no longer belonged to the human world.

Maia came up and kissed her cheek. "Go to them."

Sighing, Kaliska knew she was driving her mate crazy with her indecisive behavior. "You support me on this?"

"We have never been in such a situation as yours. You have known them most of your life. Though, we don't go about telling humans of us; as it is forbidden. You have this one exception. Take it."

Kaliska nodded. It was harder that she thought, opening herself up to possible denial, but Mila and Rosalie was her best friends. They'd grown distant in the last several months and it was her fault.

Pulling out her phone, Kaliska made the plunge. She called Mila first. The phone rang and when voicemail came on, she hung up and called Rosalie. She did not answer neither. Maybe they were too angry with her to answer. Kaliska considered. No. Kaliska could burn down each of their houses and say the worse things and they would still pick up their phones and face her. She called them both again, hoping one of them would answer. Again their phones went to voicemail. Kaliska stood, staring off to a random direction as she considered. Her expression went hard.

"What's wrong?" Maia asked.

Kaliska considered and frowned. "We need to go and find my friends." She had a scary feeling that something was wrong. If she lost her friends to her world, it would break Kaliska beyond repairing. Looking to her mate, Kaliska growled out, "now!"

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