Chapter Twenty-Six

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Last night was gruesome for The Monarch and her clan of vampires. Kaliska never seen so many dead. She hoped to never get use to the sight of it. Her hybrid killed, but Kaliska never made the conscious decision to take a life before.

Dreams lingered through the night and most of the morning. Sweat stained the sheets to the bed. Kaliska felt sick, twisting to her side. Her sleep was drowning her in misery.

'Wake me.' There was a voice in her dream. It continued to hunt her as she placed her hands over her ears. She wanted no more of this. 'It is my time. Wake me.' The voice enhanced. Kaliska couldn't wake herself up.

Music played. It was one of her favorite song, by Thirty Seconds to Mars. Her mind distance itself from her dreams and the voice. Slowly, Kaliska's eyes blinked, waking from sleep. Her breathing, heavy from dreams, was back under control.

Looking up, she found her adoptive father in the doorway, holding out his phone. Music played from it. The song that pulled Kaliska from her sleep. Kaliska slid up, sitting on the bed. "What time is it?" She asked groggily.

"After one in the afternoon," he answered and turned off the music. He didn't walk in, lingering at the door. "Maia needed to go help someone. She asked me to watch you."

Kaliska doubted if anything happened, he cold protect her.

"She said, you'd been having bad dreams all night. Didn't want you to be alone when you had another," he explained further.

He'd pulled Kaliska out of her nightmare. It been a long time since she needed him to do that. When she was younger and every full moon after, her night terrors would cause her to scream in her sleep and he'd play music to wake her slowly or ease her back into a peaceful sleep. He'd learned in the past, touching her would only bring her to attack. She'd adored her father for that, waking up to see him in the doorway, playing her favorite songs on his phone, or stereo.

Kaliska stared down at her dampened sheets, parts of it shredded from her claws. She sighed, wiping her face and pinching the bridge of her nose. "Thank you," she said, in a distant tone. Her thoughts were running from her.

"You are my daughter."

"Yeah." Kaliska got out of bed, her father giving her privacy. He stood outside the room, leaning against the door. She found some sweats to put on and socks. "You can go. I'm fine."

There was silence but he'd not moved. "I don't want to lose you. I love you and Jake. I need you to know that."

"I know that, dad." Kaliska frowned, needing a meal and quiet.

Kaliska walked out of the room, her father waiting for her in the doorway. "Give us time to understand . I know we have not handled things well."

Stopping short of the stairs, Kaliska turned around, giving him a chance to speak. After all she'd seen, life could be too short. He was human and could be taken quickly. She was tired of being bitter toward her adoptive parents.

"When we first noticed the change in you, all we wanted to do was hide it. Not once, did we fear you. We feared, for you. And for that, we made a lot of irrational decisions."He walked next to her, not reaching in to grab her. He'd missed holding her and telling her she was his little girl. When he met Miles and then Maia, something about the way they carried themselves. He'd known they were not human and her life would change. Frank just didn't expect it to go this far. "It's easy to do nothing. I-your mother and I wanted you to live a normal life. That's what Zara wanted. Even now, we want you to be safe and normal."

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