Chapter Thirty-Two

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Going out for another shift, Maia took an hour, mostly pacing. Back, she walked into the Palace, everyone sitting around the table in the main hall. She looked to Zara and crossed her arms over her chest. Lucian looked in full health. He stood first, nodding to Maia in acknowledgement. "I want to thank you for what you've done for my daughter."

"She is my mate. I just want her back." Maia sat in the far end of the table, distant from the rest. Her leg shook rapid, wanting to push through the small talk and come up with a plan. "You've caught him up?" She asked Zara in a neutral tone.

"I had Sean send someone out to scout Cynthia's office. No trace." Zara reached to touch Lucian, doing so every few seconds. A reminder that he was real. They sat close. "Kaliska's strong. She won't break."

"But I will, if I don't get her" Maia scooted to the edge of her seat, her growl prominent.

"And we will," Zara assured her.

"How?" There was no patience in Maia's tone.

Lucian could understand her frustration. "First, I will contact her. And we'll find out where she is. Then we'll get her."

Standing around and waiting was not in Maia's capability at the moment. Zara pleaded with her eyes to try things Lucian way. That is why they woke him. He would be the only one able to find her. It anger Maia how she could not find her mate herself. Maia was no longer capable of speaking. It would only come out in deep snarls. She only flung her arm up, willing to let him try and reach her for a bit.



The poison worked its way through her blood stream, causing a chills to erupt. Every breath, brought fog from her mouth as if she was freezing from the inside. The temperature around was warm. Kaliska had no understanding of how Fae magic worked. She lay in bed beside the Dark Fae, naked and covered in blood. Throughout the night the Dark Fae had been feeding from her. Kaliska was weak, her pulse slow.

There was fight still inside her, that told Kaliska to get out of the bed. She stretched her arm across her body, propelling herself to twist out of bed without falling. When her feet touched the ground, she looked up finding the Dark Fae standing in front of her, extending her arm out.

"Going somewhere?"

Kaliska pretended not to be caught off guard. "I need, to use the rest room." Her stomach rolled, sickness flooding her stomach. It hit her hard. Kaliska scurried up on wobbly legs to the bathroom connected to the room and threw up in the toilet.

"Ah." The Dark Fae chuckled. "A time to rejoice."

Listening to the Dark Fae speak, Kaliska sat next to the toilet not ready to move. She yanked the toilet paper out of the holder, using it to wipe her mouth. Kaliska could see that Cynthia's body was getting sick. Maybe that's what happened when a Dark Fae took over one's body.

"What is, this new world serves when with child?" The Dark Fae chimed out. She shouted for one of her slaves to come into the room. "She needs something to calm her stomach. What would you like? Blood you still eat human food? Drink human drinks? Cynthia is unable."

Shaking her head, it took Kaliska a moment to realize what this Dark Fae was saying. "What talking about?" Kaliska's voice was hoarse as if put under for reconstruction. She found solitude, staying in the bathroom, away from the Dark Fae.

"Aren't you pregnant? Isn't that why you're sick?" The Dark Fae smiled as if she was sharing good news.

"I never-" Kaliska shivered, disgusted by the idea or the insult of her thinking she would cheat on her mate. "I would never...sleep with a man."

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