I got into a conversation with a friend, about weed, and it's kinda weird if you actually know me, for me to actually talk about this. But I was young and experimental, it was something that kinda just happened, and something that I kinda wanted to talk about is how it effected me, and I know I wasn't the only one when I tried it, because one of my friends who did it with me felt the exact same, and I personally don't think it's normal. So when I had it after like a good 20 minutes I just kinda felt like a shell, like whenever I breathed I just felt hollow, and at the time I was very much like my problems are my problems and I should deal with them on my own, because it's my thoughts. But I know weed is known to calm you, but with me it just made me feel even more empty, and it just made my Brian not even work for a good few hours, the next day it was fine, but at that moment in time, it made me look at myself as more of a thing then a person