It's it weird that the person who over thinks so much, very rarely actually has dreams, like you would think when I fall asleep I have so much going on in my brain that something much stick and become a dream but nope, and I understand that I must have dreams and there is a possibility that I could've just forgotten them when I woke up. But I personally just don't think that's whats happening here. When I was little I used to have horrendous nightmares, so even when I have dreams now somehow, it's almost like my Brian is too scared that it will turn into a nightmare that I subconsciously turn that good dream into something more skin crawling. I get extremely envious of people that have long dreams, that are amazing and they remember it all, like the last dream I had, it was a bit weird but it was all good I was having fun then all of a sudden, I'm at a memorial of a plane crash (I'm not going to go into detail because when I explain it, I didn't really go into detail of everything I felt or saw), I don't understand why my brain does this, but I wish I would just have one night, where I have an amazing unforgettable dream, that just leaves a smile on my face for a while ... I guess that would be one of my wishes