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"Are you okay?" Do people say this, knowing that the majority of the time the answer will be "I'm okay"  I guess it's the most generic answer for this question, there isn't really any follow up questions to it, and it's easy to make the people that care about me not worry about what is going on in my head. But one main thing that's in my head is, how can I explain what I'm feeling if I don't even understand it. I started saying "I'm not okay but I will be" and I still believe this, even if your not okay now, there will be one day where you are in those moments where you just want to stay in that moment for a long time. But then I realised I started making people worry and question how can I not understand my own feelings, and I wish I could answer them ... More and more are not making sense to me these days and it's so frustrating

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