A Kiss Before Dying

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"Goodmorning, Birdie bee." My dad greeted me sweetly, using the nickname he's been calling me since I was a child, as he walked into the kitchen where I sat at the table with my knees tucked under my arms, pressed against my chest.

"Hey." I gave a small smile, watching as he placed his empty coffee cup in the sink before sitting down in front of me. I was now paying attention to the details in our small tablecloth, playing with the fabric between my fingers.

"What do you say you spend a day out with your old man, ay?" He spoke after must have seeing my gloomy mood. His eyebrow was risen and he had a cheesy smile plastered across his face.

I looked up at my father with a raised eyebrow before we both began to laugh. "If the only fun I can have is with my dad, I'm living a sad life." I shook my head playfully, my ponytail swinging behind me when I turned my head.

My dad and I were very close. We had to be, all we had was each other. According to my dad, my mom left when I was four. Apparently, she had realized she wasn't as ready for a child, family, or commitment, as she thought she was. They consistently fought and one day she was just gone.

When my dad broke the news to me, I was 8. I had asked why I didn't have a mom like the other kids and it hurt me so much I decided I never wanted to hear or talk about the story ever again.

My mother was the one who named me Beatrice but I didn't want anything that reminded me of her, so I've gone by Bird my whole life.

"Suit yourself." He raised his hands jokingly as if he were offended making me roll my eyes before I broke into a small smile.

My phone began to vibrate loudly on the table. I leaned over in the slightest, checking the caller ID to see that it was Betty. I picked it up, accepting the call and placing the phone next to my ear. "Hey, Betty, what's up?"


I rushed into the hospital quickly, walking so fast it may as well have been a jog. I turned a corner and saw Betty, Veronica, and Jughead all sitting in the waiting room.

In the middle of the room I saw Archie pacing back and forth, mumbling under his breath.

I glanced at his attire, taking in his blood stained white T-shirt, varsity jacket, and hands. My mouth parted in shock as I walked over and embraced my childhood best friend in a tight hug that he almost immediately returned. "Oh my gosh, Archie, I'm so sorry."

I pulled away and looked over to the other three who were just as frazzled as he was. I wasn't going to ask for the details of how Archie's dad got shot because he was still in a state of shock that I didn't want to make any worse. Betty had given me a brief description over the phone anyways.

I turned my attention back to Archie and rubbed his arm in reassurement, giving him a look that told him I would be here for him no matter what. "I know this is really hard for you right now, Arch. I think you should call your mom." I suggested softly.

He nodded in agreement before wiping his eyes quickly an leaving the room shortly after.

I began to head over to my other friends who were waiting in support. I took a seat next to Jughead who was sitting across from Betty and Veronica.

"This is horrifying." Veronica was the first to say something in a low whisper. "Who would do such a thing? And to Fred?"

"I bet you it was those Serpents." I crossed my arms and glanced at the three who were looking at me hesitantly, Jughead especially. "Listen, I'm just saying what everyone else is afraid to say. We all know it isn't a crazy idea that those thugs had something to do with this."

Jughead scoffed shortly, "At least you can't accuse my father of being the shooter, considering he's in jail." He spoke bitterly making me furrow my eyebrows.

I was about to open my mouth to retaliate but sheriff Keller had made his way over to us making me stand up quickly. "Sheriff." I greeted shortly as Betty and Veronica stood close behind me.

"Hello, Bird." He said in his usual gruff tone with his hands on his torso. He gave a short nod to the other three behind me and began to speak, "Do you guys know where Archie is?"

"He went to call his mom and tell her what happened." I answered and pointed into the direction he went off to.

He gave a short smile before glancing between all four of us, "You all have been wonderful friends in this time of sorrow but it's important you guys head home and process this as well. I'll take it from here." He began to walk away but Jughead opposed almost immediately.

"But sheriff Keller, Archie needs us." He took a few steps forward, attempting to persuade Mr. Keller.

"You're right, he does. But I have a crime to investigate and there's nothing you can do at this time." He said one last time before leaving officially leaving the rest of us stunned and frozen in our spots.

"What do we do now?" Betty asked softly, glancing between Jughead, Veronica, and me.

"We wait." I answered quietly.


"So, what? We're supposed to just act normal?" Jughead shrugged, shaking his head in disbelief as we sat in Pop's after the crime scene had been cleaned and cleared. I bit my lip stressfully as I tapped my long nails against the glass of my vanilla shake. Betty's head was leaned against the window as she stared out into it.

The hospital had given Archie his father's belongings after his questioning. He went home to get himself and Fred a change of clothes for when he wakes and Veronica tagged along with him for support.

I stopped my tapping and looked over at Jughead, "Look, they managed to get the bullet out and clean his wounds.. we just have to wait until he's able to start breathing on his own." I sighed but took a deep breath and sat up straight. "Fred's a fighter. He's gonna make it." I nodded surely not knowing if I was more trying to convince them or myself.

Betty finally broke her gaze from the window and looked towards the door when the bell dinged signaling somebody had walked into the restaurant. I turned in my seat to see Veronica and Archie, hand in hand. I gave a faint smile as they walked over to our booth.

Veronica sat down next to Betty and Archie sat to my right after I had made room for him. I had feared he had more bad news to inform us with but was mistaken when he took a deep breath and smiled. "He woke up."

I smiled widely as Jughead clapped, making a scene throughout the restaurant but we didn't care. Betty playfully pushed Archie's arm with a bright smile, "That's amazing, Archie."

"Thanks, Betty."

"Archie was such a trooper throughout this whole process." Veronica smirked proudly of her boyfriend and I nodded in agreement and turned to the redhead himself.

"Veronica's right, Archie." I nudged shoulders with him. "Your dad would be so proud of you. And if you need anything at all don't be a stranger, okay?"

"Bird's right." Jughead agreed from the other side of me, "We'll do anything we can to support you."

Betty and Veronica mumbled and nodded with smiles, repeating that they would do the same for him.

"Thanks guys, but truly, I'm gonna make sure no harm comes to my dad again." He spoke, making me assume he was just being protective of his father but the way the words dripped from his mouth so harshly as his jaw was clenched told me something big was coming.

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