Shadow of a Doubt

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"Hey, Byrdie." I gave the old blonde woman a single nod once I entered the emptied Wyrm. The woman raised her drink at the counter as a greeting.

I ran a hand through my hair, tucking my hands into the pockets of Sweet Pea's jacket I frequently wore, my eyes scanning the hang out at its deserted hour. "FP here?" 

She nodded, pointing to the back room FP was often lying low in. I gave her a quiet 'thanks' before walking to said room that was cracked open.

I knocked twice before pushing it open and revealing the man I was looking for who sat behind his desk drinking a beer.

He cracked a smile once he saw who it was knocking, leaning back in his chair, "Bird. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise? Shouldn't you be in school?"

I tucked my hair behind my ear anxiously, "Half day." I lied with a shrug before quickly changing the topic. "But I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

He studied me for a moment, still leaned back with his hand on his face like he were trying to figure out what it was I wanted to discuss before he motioned to the seat in front of him, inviting me to sit down.

I accepted, walking over and taking the seat in front of his desk. I wasn't necessarily sure how to position myself for this kind of conversation so I just sat there awkwardly before I spoke, "I want to become a Serpent."

He raised his eyebrows in shock at my confession, leaning forward and folding his hands on top of the desk, "Are you sure?" He asked with a squint of his eyes.

I nodded, tapping my foot on the floor rapidly, "Yeah." I answered with a bite of my lip, "Yeah. I've given it a lot of thought and these guys are my family and I stand with them anyway. Why not make it official, right?"

FP took a deep breath, making me nervous for some reason. He wouldn't actually reject me right? I wanted to be an addition to the gang. What if he thought I didn't have what it takes? "I want to do the initiation." I blurted out.

He was taken back, knitting his eyebrows, "Bird, do you know what you're asking for? No woman has tried and succeeded initiation except-"

"Cora. I know." I sighed slumping back into my chair, "I want to prove myself, FP."

He paused in consideration before speaking up after a few minutes, "What does your mom think about all this?"

I bit my lip once again, "She doesn't know."

"Well what about Sweet Pea? How does he feel about it?"

I shook my head causing him to sigh, scratching the stubble on his face and leaning back in his chair as he had previously done, "Tell you what, kiddo, talk to your mom. Ask her about her experience and make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. Really. Come back with your decision and we'll talk." He offered.

I nodded silently receiving a half-smile from his direction. "Okay." He mumbled quietly, "Now get back to school before your mother finds out."

I cracked a smile before standing up, "Thanks FP."


"Skipping school, Bird, seriously?" Cora crossed her arms as she lectured me when I walked through the front door. "This is the second day in a row I've come to find out, what are you doing that's more important than your education?" She rose her eyebrows waiting for an answer.

I shifted in my standing position uncomfortably, "I was talking to FP." I mumbled, tracing my finger on the counter and purposefully avoiding eye contact.

"And this conversation couldn't wait because..?" She hummed expectantly.

"He...wanted to make sure...I was one hundred percent decision." I spoke slowly, glancing over at the older woman who was not pleased with my games.

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